The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints, Volume 8, April

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Lives of the Saints


Volume 8


Table of Contents


To the Pious Reader

The Teachers, Historians, and Chroniclers from whose works this book was compiled


April 1

Our Venerable Mother Mary of Egypt

April 2

Our Holy Monastic Father Titus the Wonderworker

The Holy Martyrs Amphianus and Edesius

April 3

Our Venerable Father Nicetas the Confessor

April 4

Our Holy Monastic Father Joseph the Hymnographer

The Holy Martyr Ferbutha of Persia

April 5

The Holy Martyrs Agathapodes and Theodulus

Our Holy Monastic Father Mark of Athens

April 6

Saint Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople

April 7

Our Venerable Father George the Confessor

The Holy Martyr Calliopius

April 8

The Holy Apostles Herodian, Agabus, and Others

Our Venerable Father Niphon, Bishop of Novgorod

April 9

The Holy Martyr Eupsychius

The Holy Monastic Martyr Badimus of Persia

April 10

The Holy Martyr Terence and Those with Him

April 11

The Holy Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum 

April 12

Our Holy Father Basil the Confessor

Our Holy Monastic Father Isaac the Syrian

Our Venerable Mother Athanasia

April 13

The Holy Hieromartyr Artemon

The Holy Martyr Thomais

April 14

Saint Martin the Confessor

The Holy Martyr Anthony, John, and Eustathius

April 15

The Holy Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus

The Holy Martyr Sabbas the Goth

April 16

The Holy Martyred Virgins Agape, Chionia, and Irene

April 17

The Holy Hieromartyr Symeon of Persia and Those with Him

The Venerable Acacius, Bishop of Melitene

Our Holy Monastic Father Sabbatius

Our Holy Monastic Father Zosimas of Solovki

April 18

Our Holy Monastic Father John

Our Holy Father Cosmas, Bishop of Chalcedon

The Holy Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindynus, and Severian

The Holy Martyr John the New

April 19

Our Holy Monastic Father John of the Old Lavra

Our Venerable Father George the Confessor

The Holy Martyrs Christopher, Theonas, and Antoninus

The Venerable Patriarch Trypho

April 20

Our Holy Monastic Father Theodore of the Hair Shirt

Our Holy Monastic Father Anastasius, Abbot of Mount Sinai

The Blessed Anastasius the Sinaite, Patriarch of Antioch

The Blessed Gregory, Patriarch of Antioch

April 21

The Holy Hieromartyr Januarius

The Holy Martyr Theodore of Perga and Those with Him

April 22

The Venerable Theodore of Sykeon

Our Holy Monastic Father Vitalius

April 23

The Holy Glorious Great-martyr George the Trophy-bearer

April 24

The Holy Martyr Sabbas and Those with Him

Our Venerable Mother Elisabeth the Wonderworker

The Holy Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and Others

The Holy Martyr Pasicrates and Valention

Our Holy Monastic Father Thomas the Fool

April 25

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark

April 26

The Holy Hieromartyr Basileus

Saint Stephen of Perm

April 27

The Holy Hieromartyr Symeon, Bishop of Jerusalem

Our Venerable Father Stephen, Abbot of the Kiev Caves

April 28

The Holy Apsotle Jason and Those with Him

The Holy Martyrs Maximus, Dada, and Quinctilian

April 29

The Nine Holy Martyrs of Cyzicus

Our Holy Monastic Father Memnon the Wonderworker

April 30

The Holy Apostle James, Son of Zebedee

Saint Donatus the Bishop


Translator’s Note

Index of Saints and Feasts of April


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