The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints, Volume 3, November

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Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta

Publication Data: House Springs, MO: Chrysostom Press, 2010
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: x + 688
Dimensions (l × w × h): 9 1/4 in × 6 1/4 in ×2 in
ISBN: 1‒889814‒00-8


Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta


Volume VI of The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints


“In these volumes of the present collection we offer to English-speaking Orthodox Christians the first set in any modern Western language of full-length accounts of the struggles and martyrdoms of the most eminent saints to cover the entire course of the year. Our devout forebears in the faith had as their daily reading not newspapers and novels but the Holy Gospels, the Psalter, the Book of Hours, and the Lives of the saints. Nourished constantly by these, their souls were filled with ineffable delight and spiritual yearning, and they lived not for this fallen world but in expectation of the eternal kingdom. It is our hope that these volumes will likewise ever be in the hands of the Christians of our time.”
—“To the Pious Reader”



To the Pious Reader

The Teachers, Historians, and Chroniclers from whose works this book was compiled

Noverber 1

The Holy Unmercenaries and Wonder-workers Cosmos and Damian

The Holy Martyrs Hermeningilda, Prince of the Goths

November 2

The Holy Martyrs Acindynus, Pegsius, Anampodistus, Elpidephorus, and Aphthonius.

November 3

The Holy Martyrs Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter, and Aethalas the Deacon

November 4

Our Holy Father Joannicus the Great

The Holy Martyrs Nicander, Bishop of Myra and Hermas the Presbyter

November 5

The Holy Martyrs Galacteon and Episteme

Saint Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod

November 6

Saint Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

Our Holy Father Barlaam of Khutyn

November 8

The Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Michael and the Bodiless Powers

November 9 

The Holy Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius

Our Holy Mother Matrona

Our Holy Mother Theoctista of Lesbos

November 10

The Holy Apostles Olympas, Herodion, Sosipater, Erastus, Quartus, and Tertius

The Holy Martyr Orestes

November 11

The Great Martyr Menas

The Holy Martyr Victor and Stephanida

The Holy Martyr Vincent the Deacon

Our Holy Father Theodore the Studio

November 12

Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria

Our Holy Father Nilus the Faster

November 13

Saint John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople

November 14

Holy Apostle Phillip

Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica

November 15

The Holy Martyr Gurias, Samonas, and Abibus the Confessors

November 16

The Holt Apostle and Evangelist Matthew

November 17 

Saint Gregory the Wonder-worker, Bishop of Neo-Caesarea

Our Holy Father Nicon of Radonezh

November 18

The Holy Martyr Plato

The Holy Martyr Romanus and Barulas

November 19

The Holy Prophet Obadiah

The Holy Martyr Barlaam the Elder

A Homily on Barlaam, written by St. Basil

A Homily on Barlaam, written by St. John Chrysostom 

Our Holy Father Barlaam and Joaseph of India

Our Holy Father Barlaam of the Kiev Caves

November 20

Our Holy Father Gregory the Decapolite

Saint Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople

The Holy Martyrs Eustace, Thespesius, and Anatolius

November 21


November 22

The Holy Apostles Philemon and Archippus and the Martyr Apphia

The Holy Martyr Cecilia and the Martyrs Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus

November 23

Saint Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum

November 24

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The Holy Great Martyr Mercurius

November 25

The Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome

The Holy Hieromartyr Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria

November 26

Our Holy Father Alypius the Stylite

November 27

The Holy Martyr James the Persian

November 28

The Holy Martyr Stephan the New

November 29

The Holy Martyr Paramon

Our Holt Father Acacius of Sinai

November 30

The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called 

A Homily on the Holy Apostle Andrew, written by Saint John Chrysostom

Translator’s Note

Index of the Saints and Feasts of November 







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