The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints, Volume 4, December

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Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta

Publication Data: House Springs, MO: Chrysostom Press, 2007
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: x + 616
ISBN: 1‒889814‒02-4

Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta


Volume VI of The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints


“In these volumes of the present collection we offer to English-speaking Orthodox Christians the first set in any modern Western language of full-length accounts of the struggles and martyrdoms of the most eminent saints to cover the entire course of the year. Our devout forebears in the faith had as their daily reading not newspapers and novels but the Holy Gospels, the Psalter, the Book of Hours, and the Lives of the saints. Nourished constantly by these, their souls were filled with ineffable delight and spiritual yearning, and they lived not for this fallen world but in expectation of the eternal kingdom. It is our hope that these volumes will likewise ever be in the hands of the Christians of our time.”
—“To the Pious Reader”




To the Pious Reader

The Teachers, Historians, and Chroniclers from whose works this book was compiled

December 1

The Holy Prophet Nahum

The Holy Righteous Philaret the Almsgiver

December 2

The Holy Prophet Habakkuk

The Holy Martyr Myrope

Our Holy Father Athanasius of the Kiev Caves

December 3

The Holy Prophet Zephaniah

Our Holy Father John the Silent

Our Holy Father Sabbas of Storozha

December 4

The Holy Great-martyr Barbara

Our Holy Father John of Damascus

December 5

Our Holy Father Sabbas the Sanctified

Our Holy Father Karion and Zacharias

December 6

Saint Nicholas the Wonder-worker, Archbishop of Myra

December 7

Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

December 8

Our Holy Father Patapius of Thebes

December 9

The Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos

December 10

The Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus

December 11

Our Holy Father David the Stylite

Our Holy Father Nicon the Withered

December 12

Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Tremithus

December 13

The Holy Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes

The Holy Martyr Lucia the Virgin

December 14

The Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leuciuc, and Callinicus

The Holy Martyr Philemon and Those With Him

December 15

The Holy Hieromartyr Eleutherius and His Mother Anthia

Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Surrentium

December 16

The Holy Prophet Haggai

The Blessed Empress Theophania, Consort of Leo the Wise

December 17

The Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Youths Ananias, Azarias, and Misael

December 18

The Holy Martyr Sebastian and Those With Him

December 19

The Holy Martyr Boniface and Saint Aglaida

Saint Biniface the Merciful, Bishop of Florence

Saint Gregory, Archbishop of Homer

December 20

The Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer

December 21

The Holy Martyr Juliana the Virgin and Those With Her

Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Kiev

December 22

The Holy Great-martyr Anastasia, the Deliverer from Bonds, and Those With Her

December 23

The Ten Holy Martyrs of Crete

Saint Niphon, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus

December 24

The Holy Martyr Eugenia the Virgin

Our Holy Father Nicholas, the Former General

December 25


A Narrative of the Nativity of Christ

A Homily by Saint Demetrius of Rostov

A Narrative of the Adoration of the Magi

December 26 

A Narrative of the Flight into Egypt

The Holy Righteous Joseph the Betrothed

December 27

The Holy Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen

Saint Theodore the Branded, Brother of Saint Theophanes the Hymnographer

December 28

The Holy 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia

December 29

The Holy 14,000 Infants Slain in Bethlehem

Our Holy Father Markellus, Abbot of the Monastery of the Sleepless Ones

Our Holy Father Mark and Theophilus of the Kiev Caves

December 30

The Holy Martyr Anysia the Virgin

December 31

Our Holy Mother Melania the Roman


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