Fragrant Flowers: Orthodox Homilies on the Lives of the Saints

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Augoustinos N. Kantiotes
Translation and Foreword by Asterios Gerostergios
Publication Data: Belmont, MA: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2006
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xvi + 221
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.0 cm × 13.4 cm × 1.7 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 1‒884729‒84‒3

Augoustinos N. Kantiotes
Translation and Foreword by Asterios Gerostergios

“This book is a small Calendar of Saints (heortologion). It speaks about the Saints. The Saints are the living miracle of God in the course of history. The saints are the living proof about the truth of our holy religion. There are many who say that what the Gospels teaches is impossible to apply in life. The Saints, however, prove them wrong. The Saints are the Gospel and Epistles in application.”


Translator’s Foreward
7 January – St. John the Baptist
15 January – St. John the Hut Dweller
21 January – St. Maximos the Confessor
27 January – St. John Chrysostom
6 February – St. Photios
10 February – St. Haralambos
21 February – St. Eustathios
25 February – St. Tarasios
26 February – St. Theocletos
12 March – St. Theophanes
19 March – Ss. Chrysanthos and Daria
30 March – St. John of the Ladder
31 March – St. Hypatios
1 April – St. Mary of Egypt
22 April – St. Nathaniel the Apostle
23 April – St. George
5 May – St. Irene
12 May – St. Germanos
20 May – St. Thallelaios
29 May – St. Theodosia the Martyr
1 June – St. Justin Martyr
11 June – St. Barnabas
15 June – St. Augustine
24 June – St. John the Forerunner
1 July – Ss. Cosmas and Damian
8 July – St. Prokopios
15 July – Ss. Cerycus and Julitta
27 July – St. Penteleimon
1 August – Seven Holy Macabees
4 August – Holy Youths of Ephesus
10 August – St. Lawrence
24 August – St. Cosmas Aitolos
26 August – Ss. Hadrian and Natalia
2 September – St. Mamas
8 September – St. Joachim and Anna
16 September – St. Euphemia
24 September – St. Thecla
30 September – St. Gregory the Enlightener
7 October – St. Sergios and Bacchos
14 October – Ss. Nazarios, Protasios, Gervasios
21 October – St. Hilarion
28 October – Holy Protection of Mother of God
4 November – St. Ioannikios
11 November – St. Theodore the Studite
15 November – St. Gregory Palamas
19 November – St. Barlaam
25 November – St. Katherine
2 December – St. Habakkuk
12 December – St. Spyridon
17 December – Prophet Daniel & Three Youths
20 December – St. Ignatius
28 December – Holy 20,000 Martyrs
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