A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture, Volume One: Orthodox Homilies Introducing All the Books of the Old Testament

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Augoustinos N. Kantiotes, Bishop of Florina, Greece
Translation and Foreword by Asterios Gerostergios
Publication Data: Belmont, MA: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2001
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 303
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 14.1 cm × 2.0 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 1‒884729‒56‒8

Augoustinos N. Kantiotes, Bishop of Florina, Greece
Translation and Foreword by Asterios Gerostergios

Volume One of A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture

“Holy Scripture consists of the 49 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament. A total of 76 books. [...This] series of our homilies[...]will be concerned with Holy Scripture. Our series will be called: 'A Look At the Panorama That Is Holy Scripture.' This way we hope that we will give our beloved Christians the opportunity to open Holy Scripture by themselves, and study it every day, and be sure that Holy Scripture, as the Orthodox Church interprets it, is the sure guide for the solution of all the problems that confront man, and especially of the greatest problem of all: what must I do to be saved.”
—“The Immortal Book”


   The Immortal Book
1. Genesis
2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. The Book of Joshua
7. The Book of Judges
8. The Book of Ruth
9. The First Book of Kings
10. The Second Book of Kings
11. The Third Book of Kings
12. The Fourth Book of Kings
13. The First Book of Chronicles
14. The Second Book of Chronicles
15. The First Book of Ezra
16. The Second Book of Ezra
17. The Book of Nehemiah
18. The Book of Tobit
19. The Book of Judith
20. The Book of Esther
21. The First Book of Maccabees
22. The Second Book of Maccabees
23. The Third Book of Maccabees
24. The Book of Psalms
25. The Book of Job
26. Proverbs of Solomon
27. The Book of Ecclesiastes
28. The Song of Solomon
29. Wisdom of Solomon
30. Wisdom of Sirach
31. The Book of Hosea
32. The Book of Amos
33. The Book of Micah
34. The Book of Joel
35. The Book of Obadiah
36. The Book of Jonah
37. The Book of Nahum
38. The Book of Habakkuk
39. The Book of Zephaniah
40. The Book of Haggai
41. The Book of Zechariah
42. The Book of Malachi
43. The Book of Isaiah
44. The Book of Jeremiah
45. The Book of Baruch
46. The Book of the Lamentations of Jeremiah
47. The Epistle of Jeremiah
48. The Book of Ezekiel
49. The Book of Daniel
   Index of Names and Subjects


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