Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage To His Wife, An Exhoration to' #13

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Treaties on Marriage and remarriage to His Wife, an Exhortation to Chastity, Monogamy




To His Wife 





   Book One

       A Spiritual Legacy

       Monogamy Blessed by God

       Celibacy Preferable to Marriage

       The Way of the Flesh

       The Way of the World

       The Christian Way

       Examples of Pagan Virtue

       Various Arguments Against Second Marriage 

       Dignity of Chaste Widowhood

       Safeguards of Chastity

   Book Two

       Marriage “In the Lord”

       The Apostle Condemns Mixed Marriage

       Danger to Faith and Morals

       A House Divided

       The Christian Wife in a Pagan World

       The Situation of the Convert

       Further Arguments Against Mixed Marriage

       The Beauty of Christian Marriage


An Exhortation to Chastity





     Three Degrees of Chastity

     Second Marriage and the Will of God

     The Will of God and the Will of Man

     God’s Positive and His Permissive Will

     Better to Marry than to Burn

     St. Paul Opposes Second Marriage

     Marriage in God’s Primeval Plan

     The Polygamy of the Patriarchs

     The Priesthood and Monogamy

     Not all that is Licit is Good

     Marriage and Concupiscence

     The Blessings of Continence

     The Faithless Spouse 

     The Specious Reasoning of Lust

     The Challenge of  the Heathen








     Use and Abuse of Marriage 

     Second Marriage Forbidden by the Paraclete

     Revelation—Not Innovation

     The Law of Monogamy Revealed in Genesis

     All Things Restored in Christ

     The Example of Abraham

     The Lesson of the Hebrew Law

     New Testament Models

     Christ’s Teaching on Divorce 

     The Marriage Bond Stronger than Death

     St. Paul does not Permit Second Marriage

     Correct Explanation of His Teaching

     The Obligation of Monogamy not Restricted to Clerics 

     Further Examination of the Apostle’s Teaching

     The Doctrine of Monogamy Neither Harsh nor Heretical

     Sophisms of the Sensualists

     Pagan Chastity a Judgement of the Flesh




     To His Wife

     An Exhortation to Chastity





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