The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints, Volume I: September (soft cover)

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Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta

Unfortunately the hard cover version of this volume is no longer available.

Publication Data: House Springs, MO: Chrysostom Press, 2000
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: viii + 499
Dimensions (l × w × h): 23.6 cm × 15.9 cm × 3.7 cm
ISBN: 0‒9635183‒6‒4

Translated from the Slavonic edition published by the Christian Printshop of the Transfiguration Almshouse in Moscow in the year 1914 from the original compiled by Saint Demetrius of Rostov and published in Kiev
First English Edition Translated by Father Thomas Marretta

Volume I of The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints

“In these volumes of the present collection we offer to English-speaking Orthodox Christians the first set in any modern Western language of full-length accounts of the struggles and martyrdoms of the most eminent saints to cover the entire course of the year. Our devout forebears in the faith had as their daily reading not newspapers and novels but the Holy Gospels, the Psalter, the Book of Hours, and the Lives of the saints. Nourished constantly by these, their souls were filled with ineffable delight and spiritual yearning, and they lived not for this fallen world but in expectation of the eternal kingdom. It is our hope that these volumes will likewise ever be in the hands of the Christians of our time.”
—“To the Pious Reader”


To the Pious Reader
The Teachers, Historians, and Chroniclers from whose works this book was compiled
September 1
   The Beginning of the Indiction, or the New Year
   The Synaxis of the Theotokos at Miasis
   Saint Symeon the Stylite
September 2
   The Holy Martyr Mamas
   Saint John the Faster, Archbishop of Constantinople
September 3
   The Holy Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedia
   The Holy Virgin Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia
September 4
   The Holy Hieromartyr Babylas
   The Holy Prophet Moses, the Godseer
September 5
   The Holy Prophet Zacharias, Father of the Forerunner
   The Holy Martyrs Urban, Theodore, and Medimnus
September 6
   The Miracle at Chonae of the Holy Archangel Michael
   The Holy Martyrs Romulus and Eudoxius
   Our Holy Father David of Egypt
September 7
   The Holy Martyr Sozon
   The Holy Apostles Evodus and Onesiphorus
   The Holy Martyr Eupsychius
   Our Holy Father John, Archbishop of Novgorod
September 8
September 9
   The Holy Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna
   The Holy Martyr Severian
September 10
   The Holy Virgin Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora
   Saint Pulcheria the Empress
September 11
   Our Holy Mother Theodora of Alexandria
   Saint Euphrosynus the Cook
September 12
   The Holy Hieromartyr Autonomus
September 13
   The Dedication of the Temple of the Resurrection in Jerusalem
   The Holy Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion
   The Holy Martyr Theodotus of Alexandria
September 14
September 15
   The Holy Martyr Nicetas the Goth
September 16
   The Holy Great Martyr Euphemia
September 17
   The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Love, and their Mother, Sophia
September 18
   Our Holy Father Eumenes, Bishop of Gortyna
   The Holy Martyr Ariadne
September 19
   The Holy Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon
   Saint Zosimas the Desert-dweller
September 20
   The Holy Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas
   The Holy Martyrs Michael, Prince of Chernigov, and His Boyar, Theodore
September 21
   The Holy Apostle Quadratus of the Seventy
   The Holy Hieromartyrs Hypatius and Andrew
   The Holy Martyrs Eusebius and Priscus
September 22
   The Holy Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope
   The Holy Martyr Phocas, the Gardener of Sinope
   The Holy Prophet Jonah
   Saint Peter the Publican
September 23
   The Conception of Saint John the Forerunner
September 24
   The Holy Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles Thecla
September 25
   Our Holy Mother Euphrosyne the Nun of Alexandria
   Saint Sergius of Radonezh
September 26
   The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
September 27
   The Holy Martyr Callistratus
September 28
   Our Holy Father Chariton the Confessor
September 29
   Our Holy Father Cyriacus the Hermit
September 30
   The Holy Hieromartyr Gregory, Bishop of Armenia
   Our Holy Father Gregory, Wonder-worker of Vologda
Translator’s Note
Index of Saints and Feasts of September
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