The Contemplative Life #4
Julianus Pomerius
Translated and Annotated by Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer
Translated and Annotated by Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer
Publication Data: New York, NY/Mahwah, NJ: Newman Press, 1947
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: vi + 220
Dimensions (l × w × h): 22.2 cm × 14.6 cm × 1.8 cm
ISBN: 0‒8091‒0245‒5
Julianus Pomerius
Translated and Annotated by Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer
No. 4 of Ancient Christian Writers: The Works of the Fathers in Translation
“The De vita contemplativa is an expression of the ideals of the contemplative and the active life, supplemented by a discussion of the vices and the virtues. Composed at the urgent request of a bishop, its first two books are directed to bishops, though the lessons inculcated apply to all clerics; the third book, as has been well said, addresses itself to every Christian. The editio princeps opens thus: ‘In the name of the most high Maker here begins the foreword of the book of the blessed Prosper on the contemplative life and the rule (norma) of ecclesiastics.’ At the close of the volume the phrasing is: ‘Here end the three books of Prosper, doctor praeclarissimus, treating concisely, in elegant style, subjects that are useful and necessary for everyone—on the contemplative life, that is, and on the active life and on the virtues and the vices.’”
Book One
Table of Contents
Book Two
Table of Contents
Book Three
Table of Contents
To The Introduction
To Book One
To Book Two
To Book Three
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: vi + 220
Dimensions (l × w × h): 22.2 cm × 14.6 cm × 1.8 cm
ISBN: 0‒8091‒0245‒5
Julianus Pomerius
Translated and Annotated by Sister Mary Josephine Suelzer
No. 4 of Ancient Christian Writers: The Works of the Fathers in Translation
“The De vita contemplativa is an expression of the ideals of the contemplative and the active life, supplemented by a discussion of the vices and the virtues. Composed at the urgent request of a bishop, its first two books are directed to bishops, though the lessons inculcated apply to all clerics; the third book, as has been well said, addresses itself to every Christian. The editio princeps opens thus: ‘In the name of the most high Maker here begins the foreword of the book of the blessed Prosper on the contemplative life and the rule (norma) of ecclesiastics.’ At the close of the volume the phrasing is: ‘Here end the three books of Prosper, doctor praeclarissimus, treating concisely, in elegant style, subjects that are useful and necessary for everyone—on the contemplative life, that is, and on the active life and on the virtues and the vices.’”
Book One
Table of Contents
Book Two
Table of Contents
Book Three
Table of Contents
To The Introduction
To Book One
To Book Two
To Book Three
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