Slain for Their Faith: Orthodox Christian Martyrs Under Moslem Oppression

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Publication Data: Ellensburg, WA: Leo Papadopoulos, 2013
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: 368
Dimensions (l × w × h): 23.6 cm × 15.8 cm × 2.7 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 978‒1‒928920‒77‒9

“It is with much joy that we are finally able to release this greatly amplified (more than a dozen lives have been added) and edited successor to the long out of print New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke. Many of these saints have been hitherto unknown in English-speaking countries. Shocking and disturbing as are these accounts—the brutality of the Ottomans almost defies belief—it is not for ‘shock value’ that we publish them. Rather, it is for their astounding evidence of what is possible for the truly faithful (whether monastics or laymen), and as a much-needed antidote to the hedonistic, me-first, society in which we are doomed to live. Except those furnished by outside sources, all of the translations have been heavily revised, in some instances entirely rewritten, and the entire volume has been rigorously edited for consistency of style.”


Undated and Movable Commemorations
   Tuesday of Bright Week: Holy Hieromartyrs Raphael and Nicholas
   Newmartyr Anastasios the Pilgrim
   Monday of St. Thomas Week: Newmartyr Michael and Companions
   1 Newmartyr Angelis of Constantinople
   3 New Greatmartyr Polydoros of Cyprus
   8 Newmartyr Athanasios of Thessalonika
   14 Newmartyr Macarios
   15 Newmartyr John of Crete
   20 Newmartyr Hilarion of Crete
   27 Newmartyr Aquilina of Thessalonika
   2 Newmartyr Hatzi-George
   6 Newmartyr Macarios
   13 Newmartyr Zlata
   18 Gabriel and Kyrmidolis, Newmartyrs
   21 Newmartyr John
   26 Newmartyr Ioasaph, Monk of Mt. Athos
   29 New Venerable-Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou
      New Hieromartyr Athanasios from Attaleia, Sparta
   31 Newmartyr Nicholas of Chios
   1 Newmartyr Helen of Sinope
      The Martyred Monk James and His Two Disciples, Hierodeacon James and the Monk Dionysios
   3 Newmartyr George Neapolites
   12 The Holy Newmartyr Nicholas of Marmara
      Newmartyr Savvas Nigdelis the Samoladan
   13 Newmartyr Damaskinos of Constantinople
   14 Newmartyr Constantine of Hydra
   18 St. Anastasios of Epirus and Daniel, the Former Ishmaelite
   26 Newmartyr George of Chios
   4 Holy New Hieromartyr Seraphim
   6 Newmartyr Nicholas Karamanos
   13 New Hieromartyr Gabriel, Archbishop of Serbia
   17 Newmartyr Nicetas of Nyssa
      New Hieromartyrs Paisios the Abbot & Habakkuk the Deacon
   20 Newmartyr John the Tailor
   26 Holy Hieromartyr Constantius the Russian
   30 Newmartyr Gideon of Caracallou
   2 Newmartyr George (Zorzes—The Georgian)
   5 Newmartyr Romanos of Karpenision
   6 Newmartyr Romanos, Monk of Deminitza Lacedaemonia
   7 Newmartyr Athanasios of Attaleia
      Commemoration of the Miracle of Saint John the Baptist in Chios
   16 New Hieromartyr Damaskinos
   17 Newmartyr George of Ioannina
   20 Newmartyr Zacharias of Patrai on the Peleponnesus
   25 Newmartyr Auxentios
   27 Newmartyr Demetrios of Galata
   30 Newmartyr Hatzi-Theodore of Mytilene
   31 Newmartyr Elias Ardounes
   1 Newmartyr Anastasios of Nauplion
   2 New Venerable-Martyr Gabriel
      Newmartyr Jordan of Trapezus [Trebizond]
   3 Newmartyrs Stamatios and John, the Brothers, and Nicholas, their Fellow Athlete
   4 Newmartyr Joseph of Aleppo
   5 Newmartyr Anthony of Athens
   12 Newmartyr Christos the Gardener
   14 Holy Newmartyr Damian, Founder of the Monastery of the Forerunner
      Newmartyr George Paizan
      Newmartyr Nicholas
   19 New Hieromartyr Nicetas the Hagiorite
      Saint Philothey of Athens
   26 Newmartyr John the Cabinetmaker
   28 New Virgin-Martyr Kyranna of Thessalonika
   5 Newmartyr John the Bulgarian of Mt. Athos
   15 Newmartyr Manuel the Cretan
   19 Newmartyr Demetrios Tornaras
   20 Newmartyr Myron of Crete
   23 Venerable Newmartyr Luke
   24 New Hieromartyr Parthenios, Patriarch of Constantinople
   30 New Hieromartyr Zacharias, Bishop of Corinth
   3 Newmartyr Paul the Russian
   4 Holy Hieromartyr Nicetas
   8 Newmartyr John Koulikas
      Newmartyr John the Naukleros (the Ship-Owner)
   10 Newmartyr Demos
      Hieromartyr Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople
   16 Newmartyr Michael of Vourla
   23 Newmartyr George of Cyprus
   24 Newmartyr Doukas the Tailor from Mytilene
      Newmartyr Nicholas of Magnesia
   30 Newmartyr Argyre of Prousa
   1 Newmartyr Maria Methymopoula
   3 Newmartyr Ahmet the Calligrapher
   5 New Hieromartyr Ephraim the Newly-Revealed
   7 Newmartyr Pachomios
   12 Newmartyr John of Wallachia
   14 Newmartyr Mark of Crete
   16 Newmartyr Nicholas of Metsovon
   26 Holy Newmartyr Alexander the Former Dervish
   28 Newmartyr Demetrios of the Peleponnesus
   29 Newmartyr Andrew Argentes
   2 Newmartyr Constantine of the Hagarenes
      Newmartyr Demetrios of Philadelphia
      Newmartyr John of Asprocastron
   8 Newmartyr Theophanes
   21 New Greatmartyr Nicetas of Nisiros
   24 Newmartyr Panayiotes
   25 Newmartyr George of Attaleia
      Newmartyr Procopios
   26 Newmartyr David, Who Ended his Life in Thessalonika
   30 Newmartyr Michael the Gardener
   5 The Suffering of the Martyred Monk Cyprian the New
   8 New Hieromartyr Anastasios of Ioannina
   11 Newmartyr Nicodemos the Albanian
   24 Newmartyr Athanasios of Chios
      Newmartyr Theophilos of Zakinthos
   28 Newmartyr Christodoulos of Kassandra
   8 Newmartyr Anastasios of Macedonia
      Newmartyr Triandaphyllos, Seaman of Zagora
   14 Newmartyr Symeon, the Goldsmith of Trebizond
   15 Hieromonk Christos of Ioannina
   16 Newmartyr Stamatios of Volos in Thessaly
      Newmartyr Nicodemos of Meteora
   Bibliography & Attributions
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