Scripture in Tradition: The Bible and Its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church

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John Breck
Publication Data: Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2001
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xii + 238
Dimensions (l × w × h): 23.0 cm × 15.3 cm × 1.8 cm
ISBN-10: 0‒88141‒226-0
ISBN-13: 978‒0‒88141‒226-0

John Breck

“[...]Scripture is Tradition, in the sense that the New Testament writings are a part of Tradition and constitute its normative element. Those writings came forth from the Church’s life and proclamation, and they have continued through the ages to be the measure, rule or ‘canon’ of Christian faith. The purpose of this book is to describe and illustrate how Eastern patristic tradition interpreted the canonical writings, and how Orthodoxy continues even today to ground its theological reflection in Scripture as read through the lens of patristic theôria. That lens, as we shall see, provides a vision of God and his saving purpose as they are revealed to the Church, and through the Church to the world, by the ‘two hands of the Father’: Christ and the Holy Spirit.”


Part One: Aims and Methods of Orthodox Biblical Interpretation
   1 The Bible in the Orthodox Church
   2 Principles of Patristic Hermeneutics
   3 Examples of Patristic Exegesis
   4 In Quest of an Orthodox Lectio Divina
Part Two: Rediscovering Biblical Chiasmus
   5 Chiasmus as a Key to Biblical Interpretation
   6 John 21: Appendix, Epilogue or Conclusion?
   7 The Function of Πᾶς in 1 John 2:20
   8 Mary in the New Testament
Part Three: Christ and the Spirit in Scripture and Tradition
   9 Christ and the Spirit in Nicene Tradition
   10 Chalcedonian Christology and the Humanity of Christ
   11 Jesus Christ: The “Face” of the Spirit
   12 Prayer of the Heart: Sacrament of the Presence of God
Appendix: Mary: Mother of Believers, Mother of God


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