Righteous Father John of Kronstadt (Lives of Saints #19)
Paperback: 64 pages
Includes the Lives of:
Our Righteous Father John of Kronstadt: The renowned author of My Life in Christ, Saint John was a married priest who lived with his wife in virginity. Through his untiring labours, love, simplicity, and especially prayer, he was granted great gifts of clairvoyance and miracle-working. "The chief thing in prayer, for which we must care above all, is clear-sighted faith in the Lord," said Saint John. "Ask simply, without the slightest doubt: then God will be everything to you, accomplishing in an instant great and wonderful things." With this faith, he performed countless miracles each day for the thousands of people that flocked to him from all over Russia. His great piety is an example for all Christians today. Saint John is especially called upon to open the mind and comprehension of children.
Virgin Martyr Anysia of Thessalonica despised her beauty and wealth because they separated her from Christ.
New Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou rescued his captured wife from a Turkish harem, then went to Mount Athos to repent of his sins.
Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk was a princess who many followed because she left the world to become a nun.
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