Our Orthodox Christian Faith: A Handbook of Popular Dogmatics

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Athanasios S. Frangopoulos
Publication Data: Athens, Greece: The Brotherhood of Theologians «O Sotir» («The Saviour»), 2006
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 255
Dimensions (l × w × h): 19.6 cm × 12.7 cm × 1.0 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white and full-color illustrations

Nineth Edition

Athanasios S. Frangopoulos

“It is sad indeed that the majority of Orthodox Christians do not know why they are Christians, and indeed Orthodox Christians; nor do they know what the Holy Orthodox Church, to which they belong and are members of, believes and teaches. Nor do they know what they themselves believe as Orthodox Christians. [...]It is for precisely this reason then, Dear Fellow Orthodox, that this book has been written: to teach us the Holy Orthodox Faith of the One Holy Church, which we all accept and profess with all our hearts. [...]Thus, this book could well have been given the title: ‹An Orthodox Christian Catechism›, since it is in reality a catechism: a concise analysis of, and instruction in, the sacred dogmas of our holy Faith.”


   Prologue to the Second Edition
      1. What Religion is
      2. Divine Revelation
      3. The Christian Religion
      4. The Orthodox Christian Religion
      5. The Faith
   CHAPTER I: The Existence of God
   CHAPTER II: God’s Essence and His Knowability
   CHAPTER III: God’s Attributes
   CHAPTER IV: The Holy Trinity
   CHAPTER V: Cosmology-How the World was Created
   CHAPTER VI: God’s Providence
   CHAPTER VII: The Spiritual World
   CHAPTER VIII: The Creation of Man
   CHAPTER IX: Original Sin
   CHAPTER I: Jesus Christ, Saviour of Fallen Man
   CHAPTER II: The Person of Christ the Saviour. The Two Natures of Christ
   CHAPTER III: The Lord’s Three Offices
   CHAPTER IV: On the Holy Spirit
   CHAPTER I: Divine Grace
   CHAPTER II: The Church
   CHAPTER III: The Means of Grace
      The Sacraments or Holy Mysteries
      Holy Baptism. Chrism or Holy Myrrh. The Mystery of the Holy Eucharist. The Sacrament of Repentance and Confession. The Sacrament of the Priesthood. The Sacrament of Marriage. The Mystery of Holy Unction.
   CHAPTER I: The Completion of Redemption
      Death and the End of the World. Partial Judgment. Memorial Services (The Commemoration of the Dead). The Veneration of the Saints
   CHAPTER II: The Completion of all Things
      The Second Coming of the Lord. The Resurrection of the Dead and the General Judgment. Eternal Life and Eternal Damnation
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