Letters to a Beginner on Giving One’s Life to God

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by Abbess Thaisia of Leushino Convent (†1915)
Publication Data: Wildwood, CA: St. Xenia Skete, 2005
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 110
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.0 cm × 13.4 cm × 0.8 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 0‒938635‒43‒3

by Abbess Thaisia of Leushino Convent (†1915)

Volume 4 of Modern Matericon Series: God-Pleasing Women

“For those setting out upon the monastic path, or indeed for those who have been setting out upon it each day for many years, this book presents essential instruction in monastic life for women, and a consoling affirmation of the joys and sorrows that lie ahead, a reminder of just what the nun has undertaken and why. However, this purpose by no means excludes those readers who do not intend to enter a monastery, who have some other God-given place in the Church. After all, monastic life is first and foremost a daily decision to give your life to God, to take up your cross and follow Him (cf. Mk. 10:21), to put your hand to the plough without looking back (cf. Lk. 9:62), and to let the dead bury their dead (Mt. 8:22). All of these quotes from the Gospels of the Lord are intended to reach every Christian. In our times, as so many people are observing an eclectic religion or no religion at all, the Lord’s commandments come as news to many, and the practice of taking up our cross and following Him is indeed something requiring instruction and study.”


List of Illustrations
About Abbess Thaisia
Letter 1 Upon Entering the Monastery
Letter 2 On the Origin of Monasticism
Letter 3 On Submission to Elders
Letter 4 On Obedience
Letter 5 On Mutual Love
Letter 6 On the Duties of a Choir Singer
Letter 7 On Excesses in Attire
Letter 8 On Superfluous Cares in General
Letter 9 On Idle Talk and Gossip
Letter 10 On the Inevitability of Sorrows
Letter 11 On Illnesses and Their Cures
Letter 12 On Prayer
Letter 13 On Interior (“Mental”) Prayer
Letter 14 On the Tonsure into Monasticism
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