Knowing the Purpose of Creation Through the Resurrection: Proceedings of the Symposium on St Maximus the Confessor, Belgrade, October 18-21, 2012
Edited by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević)
Publication Data: Alhambra, CA: Sebastian Press & The Faculty of Orthodox Theology – University of Belgade, 2013
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xx + 507
Dimensions (l × w × h): 22.8 cm × 15.1 cm × 2.8 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing, full-color illustrations
ISBN: 978‒1‒936773‒09‒1
Edited by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević)
Number 20 of Contemporary Christian Thought Series
“The present volume is a collection of presentations delivered at the St Maximus the Confessor International Symposium held in Belgrade at the University of Belgrade from 18 to 21 October 2012. The primary motivation for organizing this Symposium arose from a desire to suitably honor the commemoration in 2012 of the 1350th anniversary of the repose of St Maximus the Confessor. Inspired by the enthusiasm and support of many scholars, and most notably by Bishop Atanasije of Herzegovina to whom we owe our heartfelt gratitude, the Department of Patristic Studies of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in Serbia, in collaboration with the Orthodox Christian Studies Program of Fordham University, organized this international symposium on Saint Maximus under the title: ‘Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Power of the Resurrection.’ The title of the conference is based on Saint Maximus’ words in his Centuries on Theology and Economy (1.66): ‘He who is initiated into the inexpressible power of the Resurrection apprehends the purpose for which God first established everything.’ A second incentive for the conference, equally important for the organizers, was the awareness that 32 years have passed since the epochal event of that first-ever symposium on St Maximus the Confessor, held in Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2-5,1980. The twenty-nine studies from that symposium, the work of the leading Maximus scholars of the middle of the twentieth century, were published the following year in Actes du Symposium sur Maxime le Confesseur, edited by Felix Heinzer and Christoph Schonborn. The resulting book instantly became an indispensible reference volume summing up an entire generation of Maximus studies[...].”
List of abbreviations
Festal Ekloge for our Holy Father Maximus the Confessor
Chapter I: Sources, Influences, Appropriations
The Mystery of Christ: God’s Eternal Gospel, for Man and for the World
Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić) of Herzegovina
St Maximus the Confessor: The Reception of His Thought in East and West
Fr. Maximos Simonopetrites (Nicholas Constas)
Maximus Confessor, Leontius of Byzantium, and the Late Aristotelian Metaphysics of the Person
Brian E. Daley
Maximus the Confessor and John Philoponus in Their Approach to Theology and Philosophy
Grigory Benevitch
Chapter II: Person, Nature, Freedom
Person and Nature in the Theology of St Maximus the Confessor
Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon
St Maximus’ Concept of a Human Hypostasis
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
St Maximus the Confessor’s Contribution(s) to the Notion of Freedom
Fr. Demetrios Bathrellos
St Maximus the Confessor on the Will
David Bradshaw
The Dialectic of Communion and Otherness in St Maximus’ Understanding of the Will
John Panteleimon Manoussakis
The Concept of ἕξις (hexis) in the Theological Anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor
Philipp Gabriel Renczes
Chapter III: Body, Pathos, Love
Saint Maximus on the Mystery of Marriage and the Body: a Reconsideration
Adam G. Cooper
Pathos and Techné in St Maximus the Confessor
Joshua Lollar
Learning How to Love: Saint Maximus on Virtue
Aristotle Papanikolaou
Chapter IV: The Interplay of Interpretations
The Interpretive Dance: Concealment, Disclosure, and Deferral of Meaning in Maximus the Confessor’s Hermeneutical Theology
Paul M. Blowers
John the Evangelist as John the Forerunner? First Thoughts on the Use of Scripture in Ambiguum 21
George Parsenios
Contextualization and Actualization of St Maximus’ Textual and Spiritual Heritage
Nino Sakvarelidze
Chapter V: Cosmic Dimension
Where and When as Metaphysical Prerequisites for Creation in Ambiguum 10
Pascal Mueller-Jourdan
The Cosmos of the World and the Cosmos of the Church: Saint Maximus the Confessor, Modern Cosmology and the Sense of the Universe
Alexei V. Nesteruk
Chapter VI: Church, Death, Resurrection, Eschata
The Roots of the Church according to St Maximus the Confessor
Bishop Ignatije Midić
The Views of St Maximus the Confessor on the Institutional Church
Andrew Louth
Death, Resurrection, and the Church in St Maximus’ Theology
Bishop Maxim Vasiljević
The Ontological Realism of our Hopes Hereafter: Conclusions from St Maximus the Confessor’s Brief References
Christos Yannaras
Chapter VII: Contemporary Readings
A Contemporary Synthesis of St Maximus’ Theology: The Work of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae
Calinic Berger
Georges Florovsky’s Reading of Maximus: Anti-Bulgakov or Pro-Bulgakov?
Paul L. Gavrilyuk
Chapter VIII: Addendum to the Symposium
A Note on the Definition of χρόνος and αἰὼν in St Maximus the Confessor through Aristotle
Sotiris Mitralexis
Maximus and the Healing of the Sexual Division of Creation
Kostake Milkov, DPhil (Oxon)
“Hypostasis,” “Person,” “Individual,” “Mode”: A Comparison between the Terms that Denote Concrete Being in St Maximus’ Theology
Dionysios Skliris
Overview of the Symposium
“Knowing the Purpose of Creation Through the Power of the Resurrection”: Symposium Memoranda
Daniel Mackay
The Theological Interpretation of the Frescoes of the Church of Saint Maximus the Confessor in Kostolac, Serbia
Fr Stamatis Skliris
Notes on Authors
Index of Scriptural References
Index of Patristic References
Index of Classical References
Index of Names
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xx + 507
Dimensions (l × w × h): 22.8 cm × 15.1 cm × 2.8 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing, full-color illustrations
ISBN: 978‒1‒936773‒09‒1
Edited by Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević)
Number 20 of Contemporary Christian Thought Series
“The present volume is a collection of presentations delivered at the St Maximus the Confessor International Symposium held in Belgrade at the University of Belgrade from 18 to 21 October 2012. The primary motivation for organizing this Symposium arose from a desire to suitably honor the commemoration in 2012 of the 1350th anniversary of the repose of St Maximus the Confessor. Inspired by the enthusiasm and support of many scholars, and most notably by Bishop Atanasije of Herzegovina to whom we owe our heartfelt gratitude, the Department of Patristic Studies of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in Serbia, in collaboration with the Orthodox Christian Studies Program of Fordham University, organized this international symposium on Saint Maximus under the title: ‘Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Power of the Resurrection.’ The title of the conference is based on Saint Maximus’ words in his Centuries on Theology and Economy (1.66): ‘He who is initiated into the inexpressible power of the Resurrection apprehends the purpose for which God first established everything.’ A second incentive for the conference, equally important for the organizers, was the awareness that 32 years have passed since the epochal event of that first-ever symposium on St Maximus the Confessor, held in Fribourg, Switzerland, September 2-5,1980. The twenty-nine studies from that symposium, the work of the leading Maximus scholars of the middle of the twentieth century, were published the following year in Actes du Symposium sur Maxime le Confesseur, edited by Felix Heinzer and Christoph Schonborn. The resulting book instantly became an indispensible reference volume summing up an entire generation of Maximus studies[...].”
List of abbreviations
Festal Ekloge for our Holy Father Maximus the Confessor
Chapter I: Sources, Influences, Appropriations
The Mystery of Christ: God’s Eternal Gospel, for Man and for the World
Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić) of Herzegovina
St Maximus the Confessor: The Reception of His Thought in East and West
Fr. Maximos Simonopetrites (Nicholas Constas)
Maximus Confessor, Leontius of Byzantium, and the Late Aristotelian Metaphysics of the Person
Brian E. Daley
Maximus the Confessor and John Philoponus in Their Approach to Theology and Philosophy
Grigory Benevitch
Chapter II: Person, Nature, Freedom
Person and Nature in the Theology of St Maximus the Confessor
Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon
St Maximus’ Concept of a Human Hypostasis
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen
St Maximus the Confessor’s Contribution(s) to the Notion of Freedom
Fr. Demetrios Bathrellos
St Maximus the Confessor on the Will
David Bradshaw
The Dialectic of Communion and Otherness in St Maximus’ Understanding of the Will
John Panteleimon Manoussakis
The Concept of ἕξις (hexis) in the Theological Anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor
Philipp Gabriel Renczes
Chapter III: Body, Pathos, Love
Saint Maximus on the Mystery of Marriage and the Body: a Reconsideration
Adam G. Cooper
Pathos and Techné in St Maximus the Confessor
Joshua Lollar
Learning How to Love: Saint Maximus on Virtue
Aristotle Papanikolaou
Chapter IV: The Interplay of Interpretations
The Interpretive Dance: Concealment, Disclosure, and Deferral of Meaning in Maximus the Confessor’s Hermeneutical Theology
Paul M. Blowers
John the Evangelist as John the Forerunner? First Thoughts on the Use of Scripture in Ambiguum 21
George Parsenios
Contextualization and Actualization of St Maximus’ Textual and Spiritual Heritage
Nino Sakvarelidze
Chapter V: Cosmic Dimension
Where and When as Metaphysical Prerequisites for Creation in Ambiguum 10
Pascal Mueller-Jourdan
The Cosmos of the World and the Cosmos of the Church: Saint Maximus the Confessor, Modern Cosmology and the Sense of the Universe
Alexei V. Nesteruk
Chapter VI: Church, Death, Resurrection, Eschata
The Roots of the Church according to St Maximus the Confessor
Bishop Ignatije Midić
The Views of St Maximus the Confessor on the Institutional Church
Andrew Louth
Death, Resurrection, and the Church in St Maximus’ Theology
Bishop Maxim Vasiljević
The Ontological Realism of our Hopes Hereafter: Conclusions from St Maximus the Confessor’s Brief References
Christos Yannaras
Chapter VII: Contemporary Readings
A Contemporary Synthesis of St Maximus’ Theology: The Work of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae
Calinic Berger
Georges Florovsky’s Reading of Maximus: Anti-Bulgakov or Pro-Bulgakov?
Paul L. Gavrilyuk
Chapter VIII: Addendum to the Symposium
A Note on the Definition of χρόνος and αἰὼν in St Maximus the Confessor through Aristotle
Sotiris Mitralexis
Maximus and the Healing of the Sexual Division of Creation
Kostake Milkov, DPhil (Oxon)
“Hypostasis,” “Person,” “Individual,” “Mode”: A Comparison between the Terms that Denote Concrete Being in St Maximus’ Theology
Dionysios Skliris
Overview of the Symposium
“Knowing the Purpose of Creation Through the Power of the Resurrection”: Symposium Memoranda
Daniel Mackay
The Theological Interpretation of the Frescoes of the Church of Saint Maximus the Confessor in Kostolac, Serbia
Fr Stamatis Skliris
Notes on Authors
Index of Scriptural References
Index of Patristic References
Index of Classical References
Index of Names
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