His Life Is Mine

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Archimandrite Sophrony
Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds


Cover might be different from pictured, updated version.

Publication Data: Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1977
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 128
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.6 cm × 14.0 cm × 0.9 cm
ISBN: 978‒0‒913836‒33‒0

Archimandrite Sophrony
Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds

“The author believes ardently in the perfectibility of man, and with loud and tidal words stokes our fires. He declares roundly, over and over again, that prayer is the surest way to true knowledge of God. God for him is presence, manifesting Himself in all things. We all possess a divine spark. Our freedom is in direct proportion to the degree of consciousness possessed by us. Only the Eternal can give meaning to life. The collapse of an absolute value leads to the collapse of relative values. When God collapses, so does honour, honesty, loyalty and the like. A culture, a civilisation can only be as strong as the inner lives of its people. The only revolution that we should be thinking about is a personal, private moral one.”


Part I
   1 Knowledge of God
   2 The Enigma of I AM
   3 The Risk in Creation
   4 The Tragedy of Man
   5 Contemplation
   6 Prayer of the Spirit
   7 The Bliss of Knowing the Way
   8 The Struggle in Prayer
   9 Concerning Repentance and Spiritual Warfare
   10 Through Dark to Light
   11 Experience of Eternity through Prayer
   12 Liturgical Prayer
   13 The Prayer of Gethsemane
Part II
   2 The JESUS PRAYER: Method
   3 The JESUS PRAYER as the Prayer for all Conditions of Man
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