The Greatness of the Soul, the Teacher #9

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The Greatness of the Soul, The Teacher

St. Augustine



The Greatness of the Soul


   List of Chapters

        Six Questions about the Soul. Whence does the Soul Come?
        The Characteristics of the Soul: its likeness to God
        The Greatness of the Soul.  Distinctions
        Even without bodily Dimensions, the Soul can be a Reality
        The Capacity of the Soul
        The Nature of Length
        Authority and Reason
        Symmetry in Triangles 
        Symmetry in Quadrangles 
        Relative Symmetry in Triangles and Squares
        Symmetry in Circles.  Definitions of Point and Sign
        Important Functions of Sign and Point
        Knowledge of Abstract Quantities Shows the Soul is Immaterial.  Definition of Soul
        The Power of the Immaterial Soul
        Objection: The Soul Grows with Age
        Answer: The Soul Progresses Independently of the Body’s Growth
        Metaphorical Growth of the Soul
        Gradual Acquisition of Speech does not Indicate Material Growth of the Soul
        The Soul Grows by Learning 
        Innate Knowledge in the Soul?
        Increases of Physical Strength does not Indicate Material Growth of the Soul
        Whence Greater Physical Strength?
        Tentative definition of Sensation. How Sight Operates
        Criticism of the Definition of Sensation
        Rules for Definition. Application to Definition of Sensation 
        Do Brute Animals Possess Knowledge and Reason?
        Reason and Reasoning
        Brute Animals have Sensation, not Genuine Knowledge
        The Difference Between Knowledge and Sensation
        Sensation does not Prove the Soul has Quantitative Co-extension with the Body 
        Does Vivisection Prove that the Soul has Quantitative Co-extension with the Body?
        Analogy of the Word to Show that the Soul is In-extended and Indivisible.  The Soul and     Number.  The Soul’s Greatness 
        The Seven Levels of the Soul’s Greatness. Its Significance In the Body, its Significance to Itself, its Significance before God
        God Alone Surpasses the Soul 
        Various Names for the Levels of the Soul
        Order in the Universe.  What True Religion is.  The Remaining Questions about the Soul

The Teacher


   List of Chapters

        The Purpose of Speech 
        Words are Signs.  Can Meanings of Words be Shown only by using Words?
        Can anything be made known without a sign?
        Are signs manifested by meaning of signs?
        Reciprocal signs
        Signs that signify themselves
        Summary of preceding chapters
        The practical value of such discussion.  The necessity of directing attention to realities signified
        The relative value of reality, the knowledge of it, and its signification
        Is teaching possible without signs?  Words themselves do not make us know realities
        We learn, not through words sourcing in the ear, but through truth that teaches internally.  Christ the Teacher 
        Internal light, internal truth
        Words do not always have the power even to reveal the mind of the speaker
         Christ teaches within the mind.  Man’s words are external and serve only to give reminders


     The Greatness of the Soul

     The Teacher




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