Consoler of Suffering Hearts: The Life, Counsels and Miracles of Eldress Rachel, Visionary of Russia

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By Archpriest Sergei Lebedev
Translated by St. Xenia Skete
Publication Data: Wildwood, CA: St. Xenia Skete, 2001
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 227
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.0 cm × 13.4 cm × 0.5 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 1‒887904‒35‒2

By Archpriest Sergei Lebedev
Translated by St. Xenia Skete

Volume 9 of Modern Matericon Series: God-Pleasing Women

“We present here for the first time in the English language the life of a heroic saint, Eldress Rachel of Borodino Monastery, who lived almost in our own time—she reposed in 1928. We received several years ago from Russia the original manuscript, written a few years after her death by a pious archpriest who venerated her greatly. We were deeply moved by it and wanted very much to publish her life and miracles. [...]Mother Rachel lived into the horrible, Godless, communist times and guided many souls through the inhumanity and cruelty inflicted upon them by the communist regime. She truly fulfilled in part the prophecy of the holy Evangelist John, And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes (Rev. 21:4). The death, sorrow, crying and pain of all who flocked to her she took upon herself. She begged God and the Most Holy Theotokos for them and was a worthy intercessor. Those who came to her left consoled, healed, peaceful in spirit, restored in hope by the words of our Lord, But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matt. 24:13).”
—“Introduction to the English Edition”


Author’s Preface
1. Childhood
2. Youth of Schema-nun Rachel
3. The Call of God
4. Life in the Ascension Convent
5. Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
6. A Life of Wandering
7. In the Vladichny Monastery
8. Borodino Monastery
9. Eldership
   1) Heavenly Visitations
   2) Temptations
   3) Spiritual Direction of Newly Tonsured Nuns
10. Prophecies of Borodino
11. The Strength of God is Made Perfect in Weakness
12. Counsels of the Eldress
13. The Gifts of Clairvoyance & Miracles
14. Repose of the Eldress
Appendix One: Canonization of St. Rachel
Appendix Two: Schema-nun Sarah of Borodino
Appendix Three: Borodino Monastery Today
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