Young Children in the Orthodox Church: Some Basic Guidelines

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Presbytera Juliana Cownie
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2008
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 32
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 0.2 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing, full-color illustrations

Second Edition

Presbytera Juliana Cownie

Number XXVI of Monographic Supplement Series

“Unfortunately, the world has taught us to have no confidence in our ability to teach and discipline our own children. We want teams of child psychologists to approve our every action, and we fear losing the love of our children every time a conflict arises. Even when we are willing to admit the Church into our child-rearing decisions, we have a tendency to want to hand over all of our responsibilities to some hapless individual who suggests having Protestant-style Sunday school sessions during the Divine Liturgy. But this is nonsense. Our children are our responsibility[...].”


About the Author
Young Children in the Orthodox Church
   I. At the Divine Liturgy
   II. The Orthodox Child at Home
   III. The Orthodox Child in the World
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