The Gospel Commentary
In Which Are Contained Lessons Taken from the Holy Gospel and from Many of the Divine Writings of Our Father among the Saints, John Chrysostom
Translated from the Slavonic into English by Hieromonk German Ciuba
Publication Data: Erie, PA: Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ (Old Rite), 2002
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: XXIV + 857
Dimensions (l × w × h): 26.2 cm × 18.7 cm × 5.1 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing
ISBN: 0‒9617062‒5‒2
Translated from the Slavonic into English by Hieromonk German Ciuba
“This book, the Gospel Commentary, [...]represents a living link with tradition. It is a collection of homilies for the Sundays and feast-days of the church year, drawn from the Holy Fathers and customarily read in church. The book is not credited to its actual author, but rather to Saint John Chrysostom; such an attribution simply reflects the Church’s esteem for Chrysostom as the most masterful and eloquent of scriptural interpreters. It is actually a compilation, drawing heavily on Chrysostom, but also on other Fathers.”
—“Translator’s Introduction”
Translator’s Introduction
I. An Instruction on the Sunday of Publican and the Pharisee. On Vainglory, pride and self-exaltation, and on judging other men.
II. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. That God accepts repentant sinners and warns the righteous. On men who fall into the passions.
III. An Instruction on Meat-fare Sunday. On the dread Judgement. How our sins will accuse us to our faces.
IV. An Instruction on Cheese-fare Sunday. On the desire for good and for evil. If we forgive a brother his sins, the Lord will also forgive our sins. On true fasting, and many other things.
V. An Instruction on the First Sunday of Lent. On the venerable Icons. What sort of man a bishop, a priest or a monk should be. On the fast during all of Lent.
VI. An Instruction on the Second Sunday of Lent. On afflictions which beset us, and how to view them.
VII. An Instruction on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Veneration of the Cross and the Middle of the Fast. On taking up the cross and following Christ.
VIII. An Instruction on the Fourth Sunday of Lent. On the unbelief of the Jews, and on the child healed by Christ.
IX. An Instruction on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. How we may feed Christ by good works.
X. An Instruction on the Saturday of Saint Lazarus. Because he kept the commandments of God, not only did Christ raise him from the dead, but He also gave him eternal life.
XI. An Instruction on Palm Sunday. On Christ’s humility at His Entry into Jerusalem. On the date-palm, whose fruit cannot be stolen. on the broad path and the path of affliction.
XII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Holy Pascha. On the joy of the Resurrection and the consolation of sinners.
XIII. An Instruction on the Monday of Bright Week. On how to celebrate and rejoice in the feast, not with gluttony and drunkenness, nor with unrighteousness, but spiritually, doing everything so as to please God.
XIV. An Instruction on Thomas Sunday. The joyous renewed appearance of Christ to the Apostles. On the believing of Thomas, on restraining the passions of the flesh, and on the virtues.
XV. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers. On the Lord’s Passion, Burial and Resurrection. On thanksgiving and repentance. If we cease not from sinning, we shall be handed over to our enemies.
XVI. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Paralytic. By God’s permission, illnesses and tribulations befall those who are proud and arrogant in their sins. On the feasts of the Jews.
XVII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. On the lions who, by God’s permission devoured the barbarians on account of the Jews. On true worship.
XVIII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Blind Man. That bishops are commanded to teach people and to heal them of their sins, as Christ did.
XIX. An Instruction on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Saint Luke on the Resurrection of Christ, on the believing of the Apostles and on the Ascension into heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ.
XX. An Instruction on the Sunday of the 318 Holy and God-bearing Fathers, who assembled against the heretic Arius and his defenders in the reign of the Emperor Constantine the Great.
XXI. An Instruction on the Sunday of Pentecost. On the Holy Spirit. On the three feasts of the Jews. On the Law, and how it was bestowed upon them.
XXII. An Instruction on the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints. That the Lord obliges His disciples not only to suffer very much for His name’s sake, but even to endure unto death, and not to render any man evil for evil, and to be wise as serpents and guileless as doves, etc.
XXIII. An Instruction on the Second Sunday after Pentecost. On Christ’s walking on the sea, and how He taught and healed many. On the Apostles, and on the commandments of God, which He commands to be kept, that we may avoid eternal torments.
XXIV. An Instruction on the Third Sunday after Pentecost. On the love of money, on purity of mind,on ill-gotten gain, on lies and slander.
XXV. An Instruction on the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. On the true faith and the Jews who did not believe.
XXVI. An Instruction on the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. On the spiritual fountain. On the two men who were possessed by devils, and on the swine.
XXVII. An Instruction on the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. On the study of the holy Word. On the paralytics. That infirmities befall men because of sin.
XXVIII. An Instruction on the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. On the two blind men, and on a man who thought that Christ performed healings for money.
XXIX. An Instruction on the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost. On the feeding of five thousand men, in addition to women and children, with five loaves and two fishes in a desert place.
XXX. An Instruction on the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. On the prayer in the wilderness, and on Peter’s sinking because he doubted Christ, etc.
XXXI. An Instruction on the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. On being attentive to the Scriptures with the heart, and not merely reading them with the lips. On the healing of one possessed by a demon.
XXXII. An Instruction on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. To bishops, princes, nobles, priests, monks and laymen. On them that do not carry out the commandments of God, and on usury.
XXXIII. An Instruction on the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. On the young man who asked about the commandments.
XXXIV. An Instruction on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. How God allowed the Romans to proceed against Jerusalem and to destroy it, because of the violation of the law.
XXXV. An Instruction on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the spiritual nuptials, in relation to the Old Testament and the New. Who brings forth what fruit, whether a hundredfold, sixtyfold or thirtyfold.
XXXVI. An Instruction on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the question asked by a teacher of the law about the commandments. On Jesus’ question to the Pharisees, What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he?
XXXVII. An Instruction on the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The parable of the talents. Each man will receive mercy from God according to his deeds. On teachers who have hidden their talents.
XXXVIII. An Instruction on the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. On praying everywhere with attention, and not only for ourselves, but for all men, even for unbelievers, and on not cursing anyone.
XXXIX. An Instruction on the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the draught of fishes, and on Peter’s obedience to Christ with undoubting faith.
XL. An Instruction on the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On love. That the Lord commands us to love not only our friends, but even our enemies.
XLI. An Instruction on the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. On the miracles of Christ. That by raising the dead He prefigured the general resurrection of the dead at His Second Coming.
XLII. An Instruction on the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. That there is nothing so virtuous as to come to the holy churches and to listen to the Sacred Scriptures, and also to read them at home.
XLIII. An Instruction on the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost. On the rich man and poor Lazarus.
XLIV. An Instruction on the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. On spiritual words. On the demoniac who was healed. On the disbelief of the disciples as they sailed the sea. Why God permits the demons to wage war against men. On the swine that perished. That God does not abide where there is a swinish way of life.
XLV. An Instruction on the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost. The Lord often allows trials and tribulations to befall men in order to cure them thereby. On the woman with an issue of blood, and on the girl who was raised from the dead.
XLVI. An Instruction on the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost. On pride and arrogance. On the lawyer who tempted the Lord and said, Master, what shall I do, etc.
XLVII. An Instruction on the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost. On the rich man who was avaricious.
XLVIII. An Instruction on the Twenty-seventh Sunday after Pentecost. To the Jews. That the Lord shows mercy to them that listen to Him, but brings trials and tribulations upon them that receive not His teaching, and hands them over to the nations. On teachers, whom He commands to teach and not to be lazy. On the crippled woman who was healed.
XLIX. An Instruction on the Twenty-eighth Sunday after Pentecost. That for the sake of fields and wives and yokes of oxen we fall away from God. That teachers should not be lazy. On almsgiving to the poor.
L. An Instruction on the Twenty-ninth Sunday after Pentecost. On salvation, and on the gratitude of the ten lepers.
LI. An Instruction on the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost. On possessions which are needful, not superfluous. On almsgiving.
LII. An Instruction on the Thirty-first Sunday after Pentecost. On the God-loving soul. On the blind man who was healed by Christ near Jericho.
LIII. An Instruction on the Thirty-second Sunday after Pentecost. That alms which come from injustice and ill-gotten gain are an abomination to God. Here end the Sunday lessons.
LIV. September 1st. An Instruction for the Beginning of the New Year. On the virtues. How to change improper thoughts to good ones. On them that violate God’s commandments, and are handed over to the nations, and fall into many misfortunes.
On the same day. A Second Instruction.
On the same day. A Third Instruction. On giving thanks to God.
LV. September 8th. A Sermon on the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. On the prayer of the holy Forebears of God, Joachim and Anna.
LVI. An Instruction on the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Precious Cross. The Gospel according to Saint John. On descending from, and ascending to, heaven. On the people of Israel who went into the wilderness with Moses. That it behooves us to be humble-minded after Christ’s example.
LVII. September 14th. An Instruction on the Exaltation of the Precious Cross.
LVIII. October 26th. An Instruction for the Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. The Gospel according to Saint John. On love which is according to God’s commandment, not merely to please men.
LIX. November 1st. An Instruction for the Commemoration of the Holy Wonder-workers Cosmas and Damian. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. Jesus sent the twelve apostles and commanded them, saying, Heal the sick.
LX. November 13th. An Instruction for the Commemoration of our Holy Father John Chrysostom. The Gospel according to Saint John. On being a pastor.
LXI. November 21st. An Instruction on the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in the Temple. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers. That faith without works is dead.
LXIII. An Instruction on the Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. On the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
LXIV. December 25th. An Instruction on the Nativity of Christ.
LXV. An Instruction on the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXVI. January 1st. A Spiritually Profitable Instruction Directed to Monks on the Commemoration of Saint Basil.
LXVII. An Instruction on the Sunday before the Baptism of the Lord. The Gospel according to Saint Mark. The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
LXVIII. January 6th. An Instruction on the Baptism of the Lord.
LXIX. An Instruction on the Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord. On the virrues, on repentance and on not putting ourselves in danger.
LXX. February 2nd. An Instruction on the Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXXI. March 25th. An Instruction on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary.
LXXII. April 23rd. An Instruction on the Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr George. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXXIII. June 24th. An Instruction on the Nativity of Saint John the Forerunner. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXXIV. August 1st. An Instruction on the Commandments of God.
LXXV. August 6th. An Instruction on the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXXVI. August 15th. An Instruction on the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God.
LXXVII. August 29th. An Instruction on the Beheading of Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord. The Gospel according to Saint Mark.
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: XXIV + 857
Dimensions (l × w × h): 26.2 cm × 18.7 cm × 5.1 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing
ISBN: 0‒9617062‒5‒2
Translated from the Slavonic into English by Hieromonk German Ciuba
“This book, the Gospel Commentary, [...]represents a living link with tradition. It is a collection of homilies for the Sundays and feast-days of the church year, drawn from the Holy Fathers and customarily read in church. The book is not credited to its actual author, but rather to Saint John Chrysostom; such an attribution simply reflects the Church’s esteem for Chrysostom as the most masterful and eloquent of scriptural interpreters. It is actually a compilation, drawing heavily on Chrysostom, but also on other Fathers.”
—“Translator’s Introduction”
Translator’s Introduction
I. An Instruction on the Sunday of Publican and the Pharisee. On Vainglory, pride and self-exaltation, and on judging other men.
II. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. That God accepts repentant sinners and warns the righteous. On men who fall into the passions.
III. An Instruction on Meat-fare Sunday. On the dread Judgement. How our sins will accuse us to our faces.
IV. An Instruction on Cheese-fare Sunday. On the desire for good and for evil. If we forgive a brother his sins, the Lord will also forgive our sins. On true fasting, and many other things.
V. An Instruction on the First Sunday of Lent. On the venerable Icons. What sort of man a bishop, a priest or a monk should be. On the fast during all of Lent.
VI. An Instruction on the Second Sunday of Lent. On afflictions which beset us, and how to view them.
VII. An Instruction on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Veneration of the Cross and the Middle of the Fast. On taking up the cross and following Christ.
VIII. An Instruction on the Fourth Sunday of Lent. On the unbelief of the Jews, and on the child healed by Christ.
IX. An Instruction on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. How we may feed Christ by good works.
X. An Instruction on the Saturday of Saint Lazarus. Because he kept the commandments of God, not only did Christ raise him from the dead, but He also gave him eternal life.
XI. An Instruction on Palm Sunday. On Christ’s humility at His Entry into Jerusalem. On the date-palm, whose fruit cannot be stolen. on the broad path and the path of affliction.
XII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Holy Pascha. On the joy of the Resurrection and the consolation of sinners.
XIII. An Instruction on the Monday of Bright Week. On how to celebrate and rejoice in the feast, not with gluttony and drunkenness, nor with unrighteousness, but spiritually, doing everything so as to please God.
XIV. An Instruction on Thomas Sunday. The joyous renewed appearance of Christ to the Apostles. On the believing of Thomas, on restraining the passions of the flesh, and on the virtues.
XV. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers. On the Lord’s Passion, Burial and Resurrection. On thanksgiving and repentance. If we cease not from sinning, we shall be handed over to our enemies.
XVI. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Paralytic. By God’s permission, illnesses and tribulations befall those who are proud and arrogant in their sins. On the feasts of the Jews.
XVII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. On the lions who, by God’s permission devoured the barbarians on account of the Jews. On true worship.
XVIII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Blind Man. That bishops are commanded to teach people and to heal them of their sins, as Christ did.
XIX. An Instruction on the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Saint Luke on the Resurrection of Christ, on the believing of the Apostles and on the Ascension into heaven of our Lord Jesus Christ.
XX. An Instruction on the Sunday of the 318 Holy and God-bearing Fathers, who assembled against the heretic Arius and his defenders in the reign of the Emperor Constantine the Great.
XXI. An Instruction on the Sunday of Pentecost. On the Holy Spirit. On the three feasts of the Jews. On the Law, and how it was bestowed upon them.
XXII. An Instruction on the First Sunday after Pentecost, the Sunday of All Saints. That the Lord obliges His disciples not only to suffer very much for His name’s sake, but even to endure unto death, and not to render any man evil for evil, and to be wise as serpents and guileless as doves, etc.
XXIII. An Instruction on the Second Sunday after Pentecost. On Christ’s walking on the sea, and how He taught and healed many. On the Apostles, and on the commandments of God, which He commands to be kept, that we may avoid eternal torments.
XXIV. An Instruction on the Third Sunday after Pentecost. On the love of money, on purity of mind,on ill-gotten gain, on lies and slander.
XXV. An Instruction on the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. On the true faith and the Jews who did not believe.
XXVI. An Instruction on the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. On the spiritual fountain. On the two men who were possessed by devils, and on the swine.
XXVII. An Instruction on the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. On the study of the holy Word. On the paralytics. That infirmities befall men because of sin.
XXVIII. An Instruction on the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost. On the two blind men, and on a man who thought that Christ performed healings for money.
XXIX. An Instruction on the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost. On the feeding of five thousand men, in addition to women and children, with five loaves and two fishes in a desert place.
XXX. An Instruction on the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost. On the prayer in the wilderness, and on Peter’s sinking because he doubted Christ, etc.
XXXI. An Instruction on the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. On being attentive to the Scriptures with the heart, and not merely reading them with the lips. On the healing of one possessed by a demon.
XXXII. An Instruction on the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. To bishops, princes, nobles, priests, monks and laymen. On them that do not carry out the commandments of God, and on usury.
XXXIII. An Instruction on the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost. On the young man who asked about the commandments.
XXXIV. An Instruction on the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. How God allowed the Romans to proceed against Jerusalem and to destroy it, because of the violation of the law.
XXXV. An Instruction on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the spiritual nuptials, in relation to the Old Testament and the New. Who brings forth what fruit, whether a hundredfold, sixtyfold or thirtyfold.
XXXVI. An Instruction on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the question asked by a teacher of the law about the commandments. On Jesus’ question to the Pharisees, What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he?
XXXVII. An Instruction on the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The parable of the talents. Each man will receive mercy from God according to his deeds. On teachers who have hidden their talents.
XXXVIII. An Instruction on the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost. On praying everywhere with attention, and not only for ourselves, but for all men, even for unbelievers, and on not cursing anyone.
XXXIX. An Instruction on the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On the draught of fishes, and on Peter’s obedience to Christ with undoubting faith.
XL. An Instruction on the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost. On love. That the Lord commands us to love not only our friends, but even our enemies.
XLI. An Instruction on the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. On the miracles of Christ. That by raising the dead He prefigured the general resurrection of the dead at His Second Coming.
XLII. An Instruction on the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. That there is nothing so virtuous as to come to the holy churches and to listen to the Sacred Scriptures, and also to read them at home.
XLIII. An Instruction on the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost. On the rich man and poor Lazarus.
XLIV. An Instruction on the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. On spiritual words. On the demoniac who was healed. On the disbelief of the disciples as they sailed the sea. Why God permits the demons to wage war against men. On the swine that perished. That God does not abide where there is a swinish way of life.
XLV. An Instruction on the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost. The Lord often allows trials and tribulations to befall men in order to cure them thereby. On the woman with an issue of blood, and on the girl who was raised from the dead.
XLVI. An Instruction on the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost. On pride and arrogance. On the lawyer who tempted the Lord and said, Master, what shall I do, etc.
XLVII. An Instruction on the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost. On the rich man who was avaricious.
XLVIII. An Instruction on the Twenty-seventh Sunday after Pentecost. To the Jews. That the Lord shows mercy to them that listen to Him, but brings trials and tribulations upon them that receive not His teaching, and hands them over to the nations. On teachers, whom He commands to teach and not to be lazy. On the crippled woman who was healed.
XLIX. An Instruction on the Twenty-eighth Sunday after Pentecost. That for the sake of fields and wives and yokes of oxen we fall away from God. That teachers should not be lazy. On almsgiving to the poor.
L. An Instruction on the Twenty-ninth Sunday after Pentecost. On salvation, and on the gratitude of the ten lepers.
LI. An Instruction on the Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost. On possessions which are needful, not superfluous. On almsgiving.
LII. An Instruction on the Thirty-first Sunday after Pentecost. On the God-loving soul. On the blind man who was healed by Christ near Jericho.
LIII. An Instruction on the Thirty-second Sunday after Pentecost. That alms which come from injustice and ill-gotten gain are an abomination to God. Here end the Sunday lessons.
LIV. September 1st. An Instruction for the Beginning of the New Year. On the virtues. How to change improper thoughts to good ones. On them that violate God’s commandments, and are handed over to the nations, and fall into many misfortunes.
On the same day. A Second Instruction.
On the same day. A Third Instruction. On giving thanks to God.
LV. September 8th. A Sermon on the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. On the prayer of the holy Forebears of God, Joachim and Anna.
LVI. An Instruction on the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Precious Cross. The Gospel according to Saint John. On descending from, and ascending to, heaven. On the people of Israel who went into the wilderness with Moses. That it behooves us to be humble-minded after Christ’s example.
LVII. September 14th. An Instruction on the Exaltation of the Precious Cross.
LVIII. October 26th. An Instruction for the Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. The Gospel according to Saint John. On love which is according to God’s commandment, not merely to please men.
LIX. November 1st. An Instruction for the Commemoration of the Holy Wonder-workers Cosmas and Damian. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. Jesus sent the twelve apostles and commanded them, saying, Heal the sick.
LX. November 13th. An Instruction for the Commemoration of our Holy Father John Chrysostom. The Gospel according to Saint John. On being a pastor.
LXI. November 21st. An Instruction on the Presentation of the Holy Mother of God in the Temple. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXII. An Instruction on the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers. That faith without works is dead.
LXIII. An Instruction on the Sunday Before the Nativity of Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. On the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
LXIV. December 25th. An Instruction on the Nativity of Christ.
LXV. An Instruction on the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXVI. January 1st. A Spiritually Profitable Instruction Directed to Monks on the Commemoration of Saint Basil.
LXVII. An Instruction on the Sunday before the Baptism of the Lord. The Gospel according to Saint Mark. The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
LXVIII. January 6th. An Instruction on the Baptism of the Lord.
LXIX. An Instruction on the Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord. On the virrues, on repentance and on not putting ourselves in danger.
LXX. February 2nd. An Instruction on the Meeting of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXXI. March 25th. An Instruction on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary.
LXXII. April 23rd. An Instruction on the Commemoration of the Holy Great Martyr George. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXXIII. June 24th. An Instruction on the Nativity of Saint John the Forerunner. The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
LXXIV. August 1st. An Instruction on the Commandments of God.
LXXV. August 6th. An Instruction on the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Saint Luke.
LXXVI. August 15th. An Instruction on the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God.
LXXVII. August 29th. An Instruction on the Beheading of Saint John the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord. The Gospel according to Saint Mark.
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