The Psalter of the Prophet and King David

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With the Nine Biblical Odes and an Explanation of How the Psalter Should Be Recited Throughout the Orthodox Liturgical Year

Arranged and compiled from the King James Version
Emended and versified according to The Septuagint

Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2008
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 288
Dimensions (l × w × h): 23.6 cm × 16.3 cm × 2.2 cm
Additional Information: multi-color printing, full-color illustrations
ISBN: 978‒0‒911165‒96‒8

Arranged and compiled from the King James Version
Emended and versified according to The Septuagint

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the impious, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the pestilent. But his will is in the law of the Lord, and in His law shall he meditate day and night. And he shall be like the tree planted by the streams of waters, that shall bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Not so are the impious, not so, but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away from the face of the earth. Therefore, the impious shall not rise up in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the impious shall perish.”
—“The First Kathisma”


Verses to the Divine David
The First Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 1:1–Psalm 3:9
   Second Stasis: Psalm 4:1–Psalm 6:11
   Third Stasis: Psalm 7:1–Psalm 8:10
The Second Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 9:1–Psalm 10:7
   Second Stasis: Psalm 11:1–Psalm 13:7
   Third Stasis: Psalm 14:1–Psalm 16:15
The Third Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 17:1–51
   Second Stasis: Psalm 18:1–Psalm 20:14
   Third Stasis: Psalm 21:1–Psalm 23:10
The Fourth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 24:1–Psalm 26:14
   Second Stasis: Psalm 27:1–Psalm 29:13
   Third Stasis: Psalm 30:1–Psalm 31:11
The Fifth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 32:1–Psalm 33:23
   Second Stasis: Psalm 34:1–Psalm 35:13
   Third Stasis: Psalm 36:1–40
The Sixth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 37:1–Psalm 39:18
   Second Stasis: Psalm 40:1–Psalm 42:5
   Third Stasis: Psalm 43:1–Psalm 45:12
The Seventh Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 46:1–Psalm 48:21
   Second Stasis: Psalm 49:1–Psalm 50:21
   Third Stasis: Psalm 51:1–Psalm 54:24
The Eighth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 55:1–Psalm 57:12
   Second Stasis: Psalm 58:1–Psalm 60:9
   Third Stasis: Psalm 61:1–Psalm 63:11
The Ninth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 64:1–Psalm 66:8
   Second Stasis: Psalm 67:1–36
   Third Stasis: Psalm 68:1–Psalm 69:6
The Tenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 70:1–Psalm 71:19
   Second Stasis: Psalm 72:1–Psalm 73:23
   Third Stasis: Psalm 74:1–Psalm 76:21
The Eleventh Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 77:1–72
   Second Stasis: Psalm 78:1–Psalm 80:17
   Third Stasis: Psalm 81:1–Psalm 84:14
The Twelfth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 85:1–Psalm 87:19
   Second Stasis: Psalm 88:1–53
   Third Stasis: Psalm 89:1–Psalm 90:16
The Thirteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 91:1–Psalm 93:23
   Second Stasis: Psalm 94:1–Psalm 96:12
   Third Stasis: Psalm 97:1–Psalm 100:8
The Fourteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 101:1–Psalm 102:22
   Second Stasis: Psalm 103:1–35
   Third Stasis: Psalm 104:1–45
The Fifteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 105:1–48
   Second Stasis: Psalm 106:1–43
   Third Stasis: Psalm 107:1–Psalm 108:31
The Sixteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 109:1–Psalm 111:10
   Second Stasis: Psalm 112:1–Psalm 114:9
   Third Stasis: Psalm 115:1–Psalm 117:29
The Seventeenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 118:1–72
   Second Stasis: Psalm 118:73–131
   Third Stasis: Psalm 118:132–176
The Eighteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 119:1–Psalm 123:8
   Second Stasis: Psalm 124:1–Psalm 128:8
   Third Stasis: Psalm 129:1–Psalm 133:3
The Nineteenth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 134:1–Psalm 136:9
   Second Stasis: Psalm 137:1–Psalm 139:14
   Third Stasis: Psalm 140:1–Psalm 142:12
The Twentieth Kathisma
   First Stasis: Psalm 143:1–Psalm 144:21
   Second Stasis: Psalm 145:1–Psalm 147:9
   Third Stasis: Psalm 148:1–Psalm 150:6
A Psalm
The Nine Biblical Odes
   The First Ode: Exodus 15:1–19
   The Second Ode: Deuteronomy 32:1–43
   The Third Ode: I Kings 2:1–10
   The Fourth Ode: Avvakoum 3:1–19
   The Fifth Ode: Esaias 26:9–20
   The Sixth Ode: Jonas 2:3–10
   The Seventh Ode: Daniel 3:26–56
   The Eighth Ode: Daniel 3:57–88
   The Ninth Ode: St. Luke 1:46–55, 68–79
The Order for Reading the Kathismata of the Psalter
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