The Priest As Spiritual Father: An Orthodox Christian Homily

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By Constantine Cavarnos
Publication Data: Belmont, MA: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2002
Format: hardcover
Number of Pages: 96
Dimensions (l × w × h): 22.4 cm × 14.8 cm × 1.2 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 1‒884729‒66‒5

By Constantine Cavarnos

“This book is comprised of four homilies which I delivered at Orthodox Christian parishes in the state of New Jersey during the period of 1995-1996. The first and principal homily, which constitutes the greater part of this volume, is entitled ‘The Priest as Spiritual Father.’ Although written in response to an invitation of Orthodox priests and addressed particularly to clergymen, it will also be found of real interest and value by laymen. The other homilies—‘Gems from St. John Damascene on the Spiritual Life,’ ‘Counsels of St. Gregory Palamas on the Spiritual Life,’ and ‘The Ladder of Divine Ascent’—are addressed equally to the clergy and the laity. I trust they will be found truly profitable by both.”


The Priest as Spiritual Father
Gems From St. John Damascene on the Spiritual Life
Counsels of St. Gregory Palamas
The Ladder of Divine Ascent
Index of Proper Names
Index of Subjects


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