The Monk of Mount Athos: Staretz Silouan 1866—1938

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by Archimandrite Sophrony
Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds
Publication Data: Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1989
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 124
Dimensions (l × w × h): 18.3 cm × 12.7 cm × 0.9 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 978‒0‒91383‒615‒6

by Archimandrite Sophrony
Translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds

A volume of The Monk of Mount Athos / Wisdom from Mount Athos

“‘The splendour of God is a man fully alive.’ (St Irenaeus) Staretz silouan was such a Man—truly, simply a Man in whom the Image of God, so badly distorted in most of us, appeared in strong relief, with great purity. A man who fulfilled his human calling in the strict, uncompromising way of Orthodox monasticism. The Monk of Mount Athos is not simply an account of his life by a close disciple, an attempt at conveying to us his personality and teaching—it gives us the background of traditional Orthodox spirituality which nutured him, which inded made him what he was, an Orthodox monk who sought to be a Man in the Image of Christ.”


   Foreword by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
1. Childhood and Early Years
2. Arrival on Mount Athos
3. Monastic Strivings
4. Portrait of the Staretz
5. The Staretz' Doctrinal Teaching
6. Pure Prayer and Mental Stillness
7. The Struggle with the Imagination
8. Uncreated Light and Divine Darkness
9. ‘Keep thy mind in hell, and despair not’
10. The Death of the Staretz
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