The Egyptian Desert in the Irish Bogs: The Byzantine Character of Early Celtic Monasticism

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by Father Gregory Telepneff
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2001
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 90
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 0.7 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 0‒911165‒37‒1

Second Edition

by Father Gregory Telepneff

“Celtic Christianity is a subject which currently enjoys a general popularity. Unfortunately, this popularity is largely a dilettantish infatuation with its ‘mystical’ (critics would say ‘mythical’) dimensions, an attraction to the romantic reputation which seems to emanate from all things Celtic. For the Eastern Orthodox, in particular, Celt­ic Christianity holds a special appeal, but not because it is somehow ‘exotic’; rather, the Faith of the ancient Irish has an air of familiarity for an Orthodox, a certain quality which he intuitively identifies with his own Faith. This statement will no doubt sound odd to those who might imagine that Eastern Ortho­doxy and Celtic Christianity are about as incongruous as the Egyp­tian desert and the Irish bogs. But as more and more Easterners have found themselves citizens of the Western world, and as more and more Westerners have found themselves converts in the Eastern Church, the rôle of Eastern influ­ence on the inception and development of Christianity in Hibernia, the westernmost reach of the ancient world, has come to receive greater and greater recognition.”
—“Chapter 1: Introduction”


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
   The Era of Saint Patrick
Chapter 3
   Eastern Forms of Monasticism
Chapter 4
   Daily Monastic Life
Chapter 5
   Travel and Language
Chapter 6
   Art and Architecture
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
   Particulars of the Celtic Eucharist
Chapter 9
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