The Cult of the Saints #31

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St John Chrysostom
Select homilies and letters introduced, translated, and annotated by Wendy Mayer with Bronwen Neil
Publication Data: Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 280
Dimensions (l × w × h): 18.4 cm × 12.7 cm × 2.1 cm
ISBN: 0‒88141‒302‒X
ISBN: 978‒0‒88141‒302‒1

St John Chrysostom
Select homilies and letters introduced, translated, and annotated by Wendy Mayer with Bronwen Neil

Number 31 of Popular Patristics Series

“The cult of the saints is a phenomenon that expanded rapidly in the fourth century. John’s witness to its growth as seen through the eyes of his homilies is an important one. Yet, the majority of John’s homilies on the saints and martyrs have been ignored in the English translations of his homilies previously available[...]. [...T]he cult of the saints is still very much alive in Roman Catholic and Eastern Christian piety. There are still parts of the world where the cult is observed in ways that differ little from those that were established at its very beginning. In this respect, the homilies that John Chrysostom preached on the feast days of his local saints and martyrs remain fresh and alive for us today.”


   The rise of the cult of the saints
   The cult of the saints at Antioch and at Constantinople
   The saint and martyr in John’s thought
   Translation notes
   On Saint Meletius
   On Saint Eustathius
   On Saint Lucian
   On Saint Phocas
   On Saints Juventinus and Maximinus
   On the Holy Martyr Ignatius
   On Eleazar and the Seven Boys
   Homily 1 on the Maccabees
   Homily 2 on the Maccabees
   On Saints Bernike, Prosdoke, and Domnina
   On Saint Barlaam
   On Saint Drosis
   An Encomium on Egyptian martyrs
   On the Holy Martyrs
   On Saint Romanus
   On All the Martyrs
   Letter of John to Rufinus
   Letter of Vigilius to John
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