Saint Seraphim of Sofia: His Life, Teachings, Miracles, and Glorification

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Compiled by the Convent of the Protection of the Holy Theotókos
Translated by Schemanun Seraphima
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2008
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 231
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 1.3 cm
Additional Information: multi-color printing, full-color illustrations
ISBN: 978‒0‒911165‒67‒8

Compiled by the Convent of the Protection of the Holy Theotókos Translated by Schemanun Seraphima

“This book, dedicated to the ever-memorable Saint Seraphim, Archbishop of Bogucharsk and Wonderworker of Sofia, contains stories about his life, about his selfless pastoral and theological activities, and about the many miracles worked by his prayers. Here also included are some short but significant homilies and reports of the blessed deceased Hierarch. They not only show his burning love for Christ and for his neighbor—for his suffering flock—, but remind us of his spiritual precepts, with which even now he appeals to us, this righteous Hierarch, man of prayer, clairvoyant, and zealot of Divine truth—this great light of Orthodoxy.”


Part I
The Life of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Reminiscences of Archbishop Seraphim of Bogucharsk
      Archimandrite Panteleimon
   Eulogy for His Eminence, Archbishop Seraphim of Bogucharsk
      Archimandrite Panteleimon
   Eulogy for His Eminence, Archbishop Seraphim of Bogucharsk
      Archimandrite Seraphim
   The Spiritual Character and Paternal Legacy of Archbishop Seraphim of Bogucharsk
   Three Spiritual Children of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
Part II
The Teachings of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   The Archpastoral Ideal
      Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Meekness and Humility
      Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Does the Russian Orthodox Church Need to Participate in the Ecumenical Movement?
      Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Concerning the New and the Old Calendars
      Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Teaching on the Grace of the Holy Spirit in the Works of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
      Archimandrite Seraphim
Part III
The Miracles of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   Testimonies to the Wonderworking Power of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
Part IV
The Glorification of Saint Seraphim of Sofia
   The Glorification of the Holy Hierarch Seraphim, Archbishop of Bogucharsk and Wonderworker of Sofia
   Homily on the Holy Hierarch Seraphim, Archbishop of Bogucharsk and Wonderworker of Sofia
      Bishop Photii of Triaditza
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