Homilies on the Gospels, Book One: Advent to Lent

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Bede the Venerable
Translated by Lawrence T. Martin and David Hurst OSB
Preface by Benedicta Ward SLG
Introduction by Lawrence T. Martin
Publication Data: Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian Publications, 1991
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xxxii + 252
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.5 cm × 13.9 cm × 1.6 cm
ISBN: 0‒87907‒710‒7

Bede the Venerable
Translated by Lawrence T. Martin and David Hurst OSB
Preface by Benedicta Ward SLG
Introduction by Lawrence T. Martin

Book One of Homilies on the Gospels
Number One Hundred Ten of Cistercian Studies Series

“Whatever the specific use for which Bede composed his Homilies on the Gospels, he undoubtedly saw his work as a continuation of the patristic tradition of exegetical preaching represnted by works like Augustine’s Sermons and Tractates on the Gospel of John, and especially by Gregory the Great’s Homilies on the Gospels. While Augustine’s influence on Bede’s Homilies is seen in rhetorical patterns of parallelism and balanced construction, and in a fondness for wordplay, it is from Gregory that Bede learned his basic approach, viz., to keep his eye on the biblical story, to begin with the fundamental story-questions of ‘Who,’ ‘When,’ ‘Where,’ and ‘What happens,’ and to tell us the spiritual meaning of these narrative details.”


Table of Abbreviations and Texts Cited
Homilies of Book I
   I.1 In Advent
   I.2 In Advent
   I.3 In Advent
   I.4 In Advent
   I.5 On the Eve of Christmas
   I.6 Christmas
   I.7 Christmas
   I.8 Christmas
   I.9 Feast of St John the Evangelist
   I.10 Feast of the Holy Innocents
   I.11 On the Octave Day of Christmas
   I.12 Epiphany
   I.13 Feast of St Benedict Biscop
   I.14 After Epiphany
   I.15 After Epiphany
   I.16 After Epiphany
   I.17 After Epiphany
   I.18 Feast of the Purification
   I.19 After Epiphany
   I.20 Chair of St Peter
   I.21 In Lent
   I.22 In Lent
   I.23 In Lent
   I.24 In Lent
   I.25 In Lent
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