Akathist to Sts. Peter & Fevronia, Protectors of Orthodox Marriage

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Translated from the Church Slavonic by the Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen, from Akathist Hymns to Russian Saints, Vol. III, (Saint Petersburg: “Titul” Press, 1996), pp. 188-200.
Publication Data: Safford, AZ: St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery, 2016
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 32
Dimensions (l × w × h): 16.5 cm × 12.0 cm × 0.2 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing, full-color illustrations

Translated from the Church Slavonic by the Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen, from Akathist Hymns to Russian Saints, Vol. III, (Saint Petersburg: “Titul” Press, 1996), pp. 188-200.

No. 16 of St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery Series

“We need positive moral role models to encourage us back to a God-pleasing life. Sts. Peter and Fevronia are such role models. In Peter we see a person of authority who understands how to use this power correctly. He rules over his people with justice and mercy. He leads by example, using his authority not for his selfish, tyrannical desires but for the welfare and good of his people. He does not stubbornly, or at any cost, cling to his position of power and is more than willing to relinquish it when forced to choose between his wife or power. Fevronia is a wonderful example of a true wife and a true Christian. Her devotion is to her husband and to God. She selflessly is her husband’s greatest source of moral strength and love, faithful to him in all things, and supporting him both in their marriage and in his responsibilities as the ruling prince. Their love and devotion to each other are so strong that no one is able to separate them during their lives or in death. Several times their subjects attempted to bury their bodies separately from each other only to find their bodies mysteriously moved to share the double tomb that they prepared for themselves before their death.”
—“Homily on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”


Homily on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity
Akathist To the Holy and Right-believing Prince Peter & Princess Fevronia, Wonderworkers of Murom, Protectors of Orthodox Marriage
   Ikos I
   Kontakion II
   Ikos II
   Kontakion III
   Ikos III
   Kontakion IV
   Ikos IV
   Kontakion V
   Ikos V
   Kontakion VI
   Ikos VI
   Kontakion VII
   Ikos VII
   Kontakion VIII
   Ikos VIII
   Kontakion IX
   Ikos IX
   Kontakion X
   Ikos X
   Kontakion XI
   Ikos XI
   Kontakion XII
   Ikos XII
   Kontakion XIII
Prayer to Sts. Peter & Fevronia, Said on their feast day at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy for a blessing upon the married Orthodox Christians who are present
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