Akathist of Repentance For One Who Has Aborted a Child

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Translated from the Russian: “Акафист покаянный жен, загубивших младенцев во утробе своей,” published in the book, Молитвы Родителей о Демах и Семейном Благополучии
Publication Data: Safford, AZ: St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery, 2006
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 36
Dimensions (l × w × h): 16.5 cm × 12.0 cm × 0.3 cm
Additional Information: full-color illustrations

Translated from the Russian: “Акафист покаянный жен, загубивших младенцев во утробе своей,” published in the book, Молитвы Родителей о Демах и Семейном Благополучии

No. 7 of St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery Series

“We humbly beg forgiveness in advance, dear reader, knowing the hesitation you may have felt even before opening the cover of this book. For some, the strong words found in it will not sit comfortably upon an American ear and may even sound extreme. [...]It is our fervent prayer that this Akathist will serve as an instrument for the cleansing of souls burdened with this heavy sin, and that over time these penitential prayers will actually become a consoling presence in those hearts searching out and resting in the Lord’s powerful forgiveness.”
—“A Word from the Editors”


A Word from the Editors
Akathist of Repentance For One Who Has Aborted a Child
   Kontakion 1
   Ikos 1
   Kontakion 2
   Ikos 2
   Kontakion 3
   Ikos 3
   Kontakion 4
   Ikos 4
   Kontakion 5
   Ikos 5
   Kontakion 6
   Ikos 6
   Kontakion 7
   Ikos 7
   Kontakion 8
   Ikos 8
   Kontakion 9
   Ikos 9
   Kontakion 10
   Ikos 10
   Kontakion 11
   Ikos 11
   Kontakion 12
   Ikos 12
   Kontakion 13
   First Prayer
   Another Prayer
   Prayer to the Most Holy Lady Theotokos
   Prayer of a believing mother to the Compassionate Lord for those souls whose death she has consciously caused while they were still in her womb
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