A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Holy Land for Orthodox Christians

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by Holy Nativity Convent
Publication Data: Seattle, WA: St. Nectarios Press, 1997
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: xiv + 175
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.6 cm × 14.0 cm × 1.0 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 0‒913026‒46‒8

by Holy Nativity Convent

“This little book is not meant to include everything there is to see and do in the Holy Land. It is meant to lead an Orthodox Christian through the major Christian shrines that have been proven by tradition, time, and archaeology to be authentic. [...]In the Holy Land, in many instances, tradition was the source for both locating the holy sites and explaining their significance. Time and time again, the places and events the Orthodox always held as authentic according to tradition have been proven factual by archaeology or some other science.”


   Map - Overview of the Holy Land
   A Brief Historical Perspective of the Holy Land
The Old City of Jerusalem
   Map - The Old City of Jerusalem
   The Holy Sepulchre Complex
   Map - An Overview of the Holy Sepulchre
      The Anointing Stone
      The Life-Giving Tomb
      Other Chapels in the Holy Sepulchre Complex
   Other Sites in the Old City
      Russian Excavations
The Environs of Jerusalem
   Map - The Environs of Jerusalem
      The Tomb of the Mother of God
      The Russian Convent of St. Mary Magdalene
   The Mount of Olives
      St. Pelagia’s Tomb
      Eleon—The Russian Convent of the Ascension
      Little Galilee
      The Tomb of Lazarus
      Bethany School
   Katamon (The Monastery of St. Symeon the God-Receiver)
   The Monastery of the Holy Cross
   Map - The Region of Judea
      The Church of the Nativity
      The Cave of the Holy Innocents
   Beit Sahour (Shepherds’ Field)
      The Tomb of the Patriarchs
      The Plain of Mamre
      The Monastery of the Holy Forefathers
   The Monastery of St. Sabbas
   The Monastery of St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch
   Lydda (The Tomb of St. George)
   Hodzeva (The Monastery of St. George of Hodzeva)
      The Mount of Temptation
      The Spring of the Prophet Elisseus
      The Church of the Prophet Elisseus
      The Monastery of St. Gerasimus
   The Dead Sea
      En Gedi
   Map - The Region of Samaria
   The Region of Samaria
   Nablus (Jacob’s Well)
   Sebaste (The Prison of St. John the Baptist)
   Map - The Galilee Region
   Mount Tabor
   The Sea of Galilee
      Kursi—The Land of the Gadarenes
      The Jordan River
The Sinai Peninsula
   Map - The Sinai Peninsula
   The Monastery of St. Catherine
      The History of the Monastery
      The Life of St. Catherine
      The Monastery Today
      The Catholicon
      The Chapel of the Burning Bush
      Other Shrines Around the Catholicon
      The Old Trapeza
      The Monastery Libraries
      The Bone Room
   Places of Pilgrimage Outside the Monastery
      The Mountain Peaks
   Map - Holy Sites Around Mount Sinai
      Moses’ Rock
   Selected Bibliography
   Suggested Reading List
   Items that Previous Pilgrims Recommend for a Trip to the Holy Land
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