Words on Obedience

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Bishop Chrysostomos of Christianoupolis and Archimandrite Cyprian Agiokyprianites
Translated from the Greek by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2003
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 21
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 0.2 cm

Second Edition

Bishop Chrysostomos of Christianoupolis and Archimandrite Cyprian Agiokyprianites
Translated from the Greek by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna

A volume of Words on Obedience
Number XV of Monographic Supplement Series

“[...S]hould a monastic family be found in languor, without doubt it can profit from bringing to remembrance and placing its faith in this great truth: our Lord does not desire easy offerings but whole and martyric ones. Profound, real devotion does not end as soon as we walk across the threshold of a monastery and put on the holy Schema. This is just the beginning, our entrance into the arena of battle. [...]In short, the touchstone of genuine commitment to our Lord and God is obedience, which leads to the great sacrifice—with supreme faith in Christ—, to perfect self-abnegation and self-sacrifice, ‘even unto death, the death of the Cross.’”
—“II: The Heroic and Martyric Element of Obedience”


About the Authors
About the Translator
[from the Greek edition]
The Value of Obedience
by Bishop Chrysostomos of Christianoupolis
The Heroic and Martyric Element of Obedience
by Archimandrite Cyprian Agiokyprianites
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