The Orthodox Church and Eschatological Frenzy: The Recent Proliferation of “Antichristology” and Its Perilous Side-Effects; Proposals for Curing the Eschatological Fear of Marks (Seals) and Numbers

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Bishop Cyprian of Oreoi
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2012
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 139
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 1.0 cm
Additional Information: two-color printing, full-color illustrations
ISBN: 978‒0‒911165‒98‒2

Bishop Cyprian of Oreoi

“It is the firm conviction of our Holy Synod that an unchecked process, over the course of many years, involving the dissemination and admixture of non-Orthodox eschatological beliefs (of popular and non-ecclesiastical provenance) has produced a lethal combination, which has had a direct and deep influence on the faithful, has led them into indescribable confusion, and is impelling them to adopt an anti-ecclesiastical and antisocial ethos. [...]For the time being, we will dwell on crucial matters and undertake ‘a work of ministry,’ ‘lest that which is lame be put out of joint, but rather that it be healed,’ addressing ourselves in a clear and simple manner to those faithful who are well-disposed.”


Apolytikion and Icon of Saint John the Theologian
Introductory Reflections
A Prayer of Supplication for the Correct Understanding of What Is to Happen in the Last Times
A Recent Antichristology and Its Symptomatology
   A1 Antichristology and Antichristologists
   A2 The Pathology of Antichristology
B The Eschatology of the American Millenarians
   B1 Its Indiscriminate Importation [into Greece] and the Tragic Consequences
   B2 Steps Towards Disengagement
C The Book of Revelation and the “Mark of the Beast”
   C1 The “Antichrist” Has Not Yet Been Revealed
   C2 “Blot Out the Marks”
   C3 The Procedure for Imposing the “Mark”
   C4 The Symbolic “Mark” and the Spiritual Procedure for Imposing It
   C5 The “Seal of the Lamb” and the “Mark”
   C6 The Number “666” Is Neutral
   C7 The Number “666” Is Not the Symbol of the Antichrist
   C8 Demystification of the Number “666”
   C9 The Number “666” Is Not, and Does Not Function as, a “Preliminary Mark”
   C10 A Message of Edification, Consolation, and Hope
   C11 An Attempt at an “Ecclesiastical Reading” of the Apocalypse
Bibliographical Clarification
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