Quickened with Christ: Sermons on the Sunday Epistle Readings of the Orthodox Liturgical Year

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by Father James Thornton
With a Preface by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 2004
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 338
Dimensions (l × w × h): 21.3 cm × 13.8 cm × 1.9 cm
ISBN: 0‒911165‒56‒8

by Father James Thornton
With a Preface by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna

“I have heard it said that preaching, in the sense of clergymen delivering serious, exhortative sermons, is not really part of the Orthodox Tradition but is rather a Protestant custom. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Christ Himself preached: ‘From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, “Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”’ Preaching is at the very foundation of Orthodox Tradition. [...]Since a Bishop cannot preach to all of the Faithful in his diocese every Sunday, he delegates that duty to others in the Church community, most generally to the Bishop’s deputies at local parishes, Orthodox Priests.”


Preface by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Chapter 1
   “Be Ye Separate”
Chapter 2
   “Be Thou an Example”
Chapter 3
   “All Shall Suffer Persecution”
Chapter 4
   “The Temple of the Holy Spirit”
Chapter 5
   “This Liberty of Yours”
Chapter 6
   “Who Art Thou That Judgest?”
Chapter 7
   “Let Us Run the Race”
Chapter 8
   “Give Earnest Heed”
Chapter 9
   “Come Boldly Unto the Throne of Grace”
Chapter 10
   “Anchor of the Soul”
Chapter 11
   “High Priest of Good Things to Come”
Chapter 12
   “Rejoice in the Lord Alway”
Chapter 13
   “And Believers Were the More Added”
Chapter 14
   “Obedient to the Faith”
Chapter 15
   “Jesus Christ Maketh Thee Whole”
Chapter 16
   “The Disciples Were Called Christians”
Chapter 17
   “A Spirit of Divination”
Chapter 18
   “Wolves Shall Enter in Among You”
Chapter 19
   “Filled with the Holy Spirit”
Chapter 20
   “So Great a Cloud of Witnesses”
Chapter 21
   “Glory, Honour, and Peace”
Chapter 22
   “Christ Died for the Ungodly”
Chapter 23
   “The Wages of Sin Is Death”
Chapter 24
   “With the Heart Man Believeth”
Chapter 25
   “Be Kindly Affectioned”
Chapter 26
   “Receive Ye One Another”
Chapter 27
   “Perfectly Joined Together”
Chapter 28
   “Labourers Together with God”
Chapter 29
   “Yet Have Ye Not Many Fathers”
Chapter 30
   “Mine Answer Is This”
Chapter 31
   “I Preached to You the Gospel”
Chapter 32
   “Quit You Like Men”
Chapter 33
   “He Which Stablisheth Us”
Chapter 34
   “For God Hath Shined in Our Hearts”
Chapter 35
   “Receive Not the Grace of God in Vain”
Chapter 36
   “Let Us Cleanse Ourselves”
Chapter 37
   “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver”
Chapter 38
   “Strength Made Perfect in Weakness”
Chapter 39
   “It Pleased God”
Chapter 40
   “Christ Liveth in Me”
Chapter 41
   “I Glory in the Cross of Christ”
Chapter 42
   “Quickened with Christ”
Chapter 43
   “For He Is Our Peace”
Chapter 44
   “Lowliness, Meekness, Longsuffering”
Chapter 45
   “Christ Shall Give Thee Light”
Chapter 46
   “Put on the New Man”
Chapter 47
   “By Faith”
Chapter 48
   “The Gospel Not After Man”
Chapter 49
   “The Glorious Appearing”
Chapter 50
   “The Bond of Perfectness”
Chapter 51
   “Of Whom I Am Chief”
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