Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement

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by Archimandrite Cyprian Agiokyprianites
Translated by Hieromonk Patapios and Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna
Publication Data: Etna, CA: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, 1997
Format: softcover
Number of Pages: 113
Dimensions (l × w × h): 19.7 cm × 12.1 cm × 0.6 cm
Additional Information: black-and-white illustrations
ISBN: 0‒911165‒29‒0

by Archimandrite Cyprian Agiokyprianites
Translated by Hieromonk Patapios and Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna

Number II of Contributions to a Theology of Anti–Ecumenism

“It is very well known that the ecumenical movement has opened up full tilt to the interfaith movement, in which the Orthodox ecumenists participate—after a joint decision, at that—, taking an active part in the so–called ‘formal dialogues,’ developing an interfaith theology, taking part in the related interfaith programs of the Vatican, and encouraging the WCC in its reckless interfaith ventures. The Orthodox ecumenists are gradually undergoing a profound ecclesiological corrosion, as much by means of the ecumenical movement as by means of the interfaith movement, and are being led, unfortunately, not only outside the ‘boundaries’ of the Orthodox Church, but also outside the ‘boundaries’ of Christianity[...].”
—“A. Ecumenism: Historical, Canonical, and Dogmatic Issues”


I. Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement
   A. Ecumenism: Historical, Canonical and Dogmatic Issues (§§ 1–7)
   B. Anti–Ecumenism: Orthodox Resistance, the Calendar Question (§§ 1–2)
   C. The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
      Her Stand against Ecumenism and Her Relations with Anti–Ecumenists (§§ 1–3)
   D. “Let Us Stand Aright on the Rock of the Faith and the Tradition of the Church”
II. Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism
   A. Fundamentalism
   B. Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism
   C. Fundamentalism and Ecumenism
III. The WCC: A Visible Expression of the Una Sancta? (§§ 1–5)
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